The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Very nice pics boret. So you think you want to get a DSLR huh??? First off the D40 is a very capable camera. The biggest problem is while you can take some pics and get decent results fron a tank, with the kit lens, to get the close ups like you see some post, a dedicated macro, is a must. The best is the Nikon 105mm 2.8 that runs just short of a grand. Don't get me wrong, It's well worth the price, and one of these days I'll get one, but my tank is something I don't photograph much. For the Canon the 100mm 2.8 macro is the one most use and the price is pretty much the same. The other things you need is a goot tripod and a remote shutter release. If you think reefing is expensive, wait till you start looking at camera equipment.

Another thing that sucks for us with closeups is curved glass. The cameras don't like it much because it creates distortion.

I shoot mostly wildlife and have just started learning landscapes. Here's a couple recent pics. I have a Nikon D200.



Also, I forgot to mention, when you get to DSLR's we use photoshop to adjust the whitebalance. You take the pics in "RAW" and the whitebalance is adjusted with a slider on the computer. Really makes it easy.
Cannon vs Nikon is an age old battle... Luckly everyone wins cause they are both awesome...

DSRL vs P&S is a new war...

DSLR's are awesome if you send the $$$ on the lenses to do the special jobs they are meant to... super zooms & macros, ultra-wide angles... etc... A good set of lenses will run ya quite a bit, say $2000... But you can do it over time...

Think twice, or more, about DSLR vs P&S.. Look at the Canon G10... a great P&S...

BTW, I shoot Canon, a 20D, (well two bodies actually), with a host of lenses... i wouldn't trade my DSLR or my P&S... they both have room in my bag...
here are the pics of my 54 having some problems with growth and some alage so its not as nice as most of you guys
I wanna be in the corner have a 92 gallon oceanic corner has a little of everything.more sps than anything else though.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15536722#post15536722 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mdavis735
I wanna be in the corner have a 92 gallon oceanic corner has a little of everything.more sps than anything else though.

That's a great looking tank Mdavis! I love those Duncans and the neon candy canes! Very nice. Welcome to the club.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15546374#post15546374 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
Some of my new additions.


Hey Misled, what is that lower left established sps coral with the green in it? Do you have a name for it?

I think you mean the brown encrusting monti "frag". Here's the mother colony.


You can see where mine came from.
Finally you are adding some corals in there Misled!! About time! ;)
The whole camera selection is becoming a nightmare. :mad2: Too many options, online reviews are so detailed that I don't know what is important for tank pictures. I guess the only conclusion from all the advice I got so far is don't worry about the body spend the money on the lens.
I am using a D40 right now, that a fellow reefer let me borrow, and I can't get a decent picture. I miss Live View and Anti Vibration, I guess from being used to those in P&S cameras.

As I keep thinking of features I keep looking into higher models, so right now the options are the Nikon D5000 and the Canon T1i. By the time I make my mind I will be at around $1,500. I think I am better off paying someone to come over and take pics of my tank!

Looking great mdavis735 and nomorenames!!

What type of lighting are you guys using?

Flow might be your problem nomorenames, if I were you a would remove about half of the rock in there and add another PowerHead (Koralia3 - 4) or a Modded MJ900/Tunze 6025.
Nice frags Jesse! I'm glad that you're getting your tank a little filled up again. Hopefully this time though, we won't have to look at a purple tank with a crooked frag rack on top of the rocks!!!!:):):) I see Orange Monti Cap, Green Birdsnest, and the Brown/Green Polyp Encrusting Monti. Is the center coral another Encrusting Monti? Also is the small pink one a Pink Birdsnest? Just curious. and YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that you are filling up that tank finally! I remember when I first got on RC I saw the pic of your acryllic rod supports and thought to myself, "Wow......This guys tank is gonna be NICE!" Glad you got some stuff in there.

nomorenames - I'm thinking if your up to it, you could move the rocks a few inches away from the back glass, and try to spread them out a bit more. I just re-arranged my tank and moving the rocks off the glass has really made everything seem so much healthier. I have much better flow throughout the tank, and it gives a bunch of nice little ledges on the back of the rockwork to place little things here and there. Just a few suggestions. Not meant to offend, but it took me a while to change my rockwork up, and i'm so glad I did. Also what's your lighting/filtration/flow in the tank now?

Mdavis735 - Nice tank! A few questions for you....Flow/lighting/filtration? Just curious. And are the two mag-floats holding up that frag rack? It looks like it in the pic.
Yea Jim, the small one is a pink birdsnest. If you look in the back right you'll see a regular pink birdsnest. From this guys tank, the small one grows similar to the green one, so I can't wait to see it grow.
Encrusting pavona. I have a couple because of how it was growing in his tank. Pretty much straight up the glass. He went behind it with a razor and just snapped off a couple peices. I have a green one too.
Looks great Mdavis735. Have you got a pic of the stand and canopy, and what are you using for lighting, flow, etc. I know, I know, I ask too many questions.
i have an eheim 1250 for a return,an electronic tunze powerhead(one of the brown ones)with a single controller,a korallia 3 and a maxijet 1200 for lighting is a 250 watt de pendant with a reeflux 12k bulb,and two double 24 inch t5 fixtures for actinics.yes that is mag floats houlding up the frag is just a piece of black egg crate super glued to the inside mag float
Hey Everyone,
I took a couple pictures of my rebuild this weekend. The tank has had water in it for about 1 month now. I currently have 2 fish, a black sailfin blenny and a chromis. I also started adding back a couple of corals, and they are looking happier each day. They did not decline coming into the tank, but coming out of my holding tank they were not the happiest campers in the world. Then again, I think the zeovit coral vitalizer is helping them perk up.

I am either getting a mate for my clownfish next, and should be re-introducing some of my sps this coming up weekend.

