Very nice pics boret. So you think you want to get a DSLR huh??? First off the D40 is a very capable camera. The biggest problem is while you can take some pics and get decent results fron a tank, with the kit lens, to get the close ups like you see some post, a dedicated macro, is a must. The best is the Nikon 105mm 2.8 that runs just short of a grand. Don't get me wrong, It's well worth the price, and one of these days I'll get one, but my tank is something I don't photograph much. For the Canon the 100mm 2.8 macro is the one most use and the price is pretty much the same. The other things you need is a goot tripod and a remote shutter release. If you think reefing is expensive, wait till you start looking at camera equipment.
Another thing that sucks for us with closeups is curved glass. The cameras don't like it much because it creates distortion.
I shoot mostly wildlife and have just started learning landscapes. Here's a couple recent pics. I have a Nikon D200.
Another thing that sucks for us with closeups is curved glass. The cameras don't like it much because it creates distortion.
I shoot mostly wildlife and have just started learning landscapes. Here's a couple recent pics. I have a Nikon D200.