The road to the Up grade......


New member
Well I went from a 45 high to a 40 breeder now to a 75 gallon, in 2 weeks I am going to a 75 gallon tank. The tank is drilled with the return in the middle and a nice overflow box from glass cages.

My plan is this I am going to buy esv salt and have my levels on the spot so when adding the coral into the new tank I will not have to worrie about cal, alk, and mag. I am using all my rock and I also have another 40 pounds being seeded in the sumps. I have drilled out some rocks and added sprinkler piping through them for support, and also twist ties (non metal insides).

I am going 60 pounds of sand and 10 pounds of my sand from the 40.

I am going with a teck5 housing Icecap 660 ballest that will run the day bulbs and the normal ballest for the dusk/dawn combo. The light has 6 fans with drilled out holes much like the ati fixture. It is a 8 bulb combo of all Kz bulbs.
The refelectors are aqua tinic 98% reflection rate.


I have already bored out holes in the rocks for frag plugs to sit. I have added some frags to pices of rock already.

I am tense I am going to loose a fish or the xenia, biggest of all the sps.

Well I have pictures of the 40 that are going up and the coral I have.
I am starting this thread for many reasons to keep track of growth through pictures and levles in my tank. I will be up dating this thread as the progress moves along.

Thank you for looking.
Well I have the tank and stand sitting at home I am going to clean out the tank, I have laready cleaned out the stand and I found a good thing at home depo a skinny 28 gallon rubber maid pail that I am going to use for a ato system.

I have also orderd the booster pump for the rodi system.
lmao yeah it can. :) I will def take picks. I am taking the tank out tomorrow and the hose and clean some more that will be the final clean, before the the tank is set up. I cleaned the plumming tonight so it is nice and clean
Yo Anthony!!! What's up man? I figured I would find you over here. :) WoW ... didn't know you were upgrading the tank!!! Congratz!!!
Dudeeeee! I am doing pretty good, been bussssssyyyyy but, I finally got some new pics up of my tank ... everything has been going pretty well. We need to catch up at some point ... let me know if you need any help with the upgrade ... or some corals. lol. :D
We need to catch up


Until then ...
twas the night before the up grade and all through the house not a fish was sturring not even a crab.

The rodi was processing all the water with care in hopes that Batt600 arrives with urgent care

When all of a sudden there rose such a clatter I jumped out of bed to see what was the matter, when to my eyes what did I see the rodi hose spilling out water as fast as can be.

The floor and the hall were all went, and then I said to my self why the H**** do we do this