The Scleractinia Shallows

Ammonia and nitrite both at 0ppm still and I am pumping the food into the tank lol more than I think my fish are getting feed in the cube currently haha
We also have our rental inspection on Tuesday so I will be very interested to see what they think of the "fish tank" :lolspin: hahaha I would like to have a fish in there just for some life lol

Do what "Tanked" does! It works on TV!:rollface:
Ooh la la! You Australian guys always have the best SPS tanks. Jealous as always!
haha thanks mate! Let's hope I can turn into a tank to make the Great Barrier Reef proud of! lol

I feed a huge amount of pellets earlier today and no reaction whatsoever and the skimmer is on the tank as well now too, so that means one or two fish will be coming across tomorrow :) I'm currently feeding more than the fish get so I could bring them all across but it helps to play it safe lol
It's... ALIVE!


Well moving on...

Last night brought on the very first additions to the tank and the fish I wanted to get in first and foremost :) It meant removing most the rock from the cade but it made it a whole lot easier and with my brothers help my Bellus angle and Kole tang were caught :)
Fast forward to this afternoon, they're both still very very shy but both out and swimming around and they've both had some food too which is amazing as I was expecting a few days of protest lol. All signs are healthy and good and so that means zoa's will be going in tomorrow or Friday and the other fish on Saturday and I'm not quite sure when I'll do the clams yet, maybe the little guy on Friday and my big maxima I have no idea yet lol.
Either way I am absolutely over the moon and so happy to have my babies back with me!!
great to see things moving on!!
when will the others move in?
Bellus and kole are out and about and eating as well which is fantastic! I was expecting that to take a few days.
Others will go in on Saturday I think :) along with the clams which will mean the cube will be empty by the end of the weekend :)
That's going to be an awesome "frankenstein" tank buddy!
Well done you sick scientist:p

Stand looks nice too dom!Just noticed it
Bellus and kole are out and about and eating as well which is fantastic! I was expecting that to take a few days.
Others will go in on Saturday I think :) along with the clams which will mean the cube will be empty by the end of the weekend :)

good to hear!

good luck!! :celeb1:
Nice Dom!
looking really good.
shaping up to be a busy weekend.
Thanks Matt :) Yep busy weekend ahead and the luck always helps! lol

That's going to be an awesome "frankenstein" tank buddy!
Well done you sick scientist:p

Stand looks nice too dom!Just noticed it
haha thanks Mike, I'm glad you recognised the movie too :p one of my favourites!!

Stand is amazing, it has so much room and I think it's turning out pretty nicely :)
Looking great Dom! Looking forward to seeing more get added! I like the stand as well.
Thanks Nick :beer: you'll only have to wait a couple of days then haha

good to hear!
good luck!! :celeb1:
Thanks Flo :)

I spent some time today doing some work on the stand and I think it's going to turn out just as I'd like :)
I've still got to mount the second PDU (power distribution unit) in line with the one that's there on the other side up the top. I'm going to screw the dose into the bottom of the shelf so the shelf is clean and free and the doser is mounted securely.
I also screwed in an Ikea led strip of lights which worked out really well and
lights up the stand perfectly :) Overall I'm really happy with how it's coming along and should look quite nice once I organise my cable management! :)
Are you worried about your tank cycling?

Had you asked that last week Marty, the answer would have been yes but I have to say I'm amazed at how well Dr. Tim's bacteria has worked in the tank! I ghost feed the tank heaps in the days leading up to adding fish and there was no ammonia or nitrite reaction at all and there still isn't :) I haven't tested nitrates at all lol but we'll wait and see on those haha
It's been a very busy couple of days but I'm happy to say that all of my watery babies are now home again and I feel at peace with the world! lol I'll take some pics tomorrow :)
It's been a very busy couple of days but I'm happy to say that all of my watery babies are now home again and I feel at peace with the world! lol I'll take some pics tomorrow :)

Congrats, Dom!
Happy to hear.
Looking forward to seeing the new diggs!