The Scleractinia Shallows

oh my little Domy...
Now that made me chuckle!

This thread has gone SO over my head..
I am showing my age, I think...
haha Matt, it's okay. Gamer's tend to be very defensive of their technology lol
Now that made me chuckle!

haha Matt, it's okay. Gamer's tend to be very defensive of their technology lol

only the ones screaming king all the time :lolspin:

na mate it´s fine, i´m only using my PS4 for one game only :fun2:
Well this evening my most beloved non-fish inhabitant was moved into the new tank! :D it took a little while of cleaning off in the cade and then a good acclimatisation with some water spillage that was not my fault! Blasted thing decided to pump out a good jet of water haha

I had to do a bit of a shuffle around to fit her in in a reasonable spot but I think it'll work for the moment :)
From the doorway!

Little clam to the right side to show the size difference lol

This means that everything has now been moved across and the acro's are the only things left to come back into the tank :) Happy days for me though as everything has gone as well as I had hoped for! And hopefully it continues to go that way lol
Very cool Dom, man those zoas encrusted those racks like crazy, really neat idea mate!
Thanks Perry :) I need the sump so I can get rid of the racks to mount everything on the rocks and have backups in the sump lol they've grown pretty well for me though :)

Nice, Dom!
It's got to be nice to have your 'other' girlfriend back in the house!
Cheers Matt :beer:
I showed that to my actual girlfriend and she just rolled her eyes :rolleye1::lolspin:

sweet Dom!!

keep those pcitures coming!
Thanks Flo and hopefully I can find the decent camera to get some good pics soon :)
I really hate your zoa collection bud because i like it....don't know if you get me:p

Will not say anything regarding your love for pc....i don't even place you in the gamer's family/category,so we could make a nice dicussion!lol
Keyboards and mouses...eeeeww:p
I really hate your zoa collection bud because i like it....don't know if you get me:p

Will not say anything regarding your love for pc....i don't even place you in the gamer's family/category,so we could make a nice dicussion!lol
Keyboards and mouses...eeeeww:p
I get you and everyone can be succumbed by the dark side when it looks this good ;) haha

hahahaha :lolspin::lolspin: what if I told you I built my own computer too!
I felt the same when I used to be an xbox player but I wouldn't trade my mouse and keyboard for anything anymore haha

On another note, we have diatoms!! :D

I was getting a little worried as the tank had been running with fish for two weeks and I wasn't getting any growth of anything like that then a few days ago some spots started appearing on the glass and now it's in full swing! Things are proceeding as expected lol now just to wait them out :)
I love the PC Game pic, I also can't stand consoles or games that have been infected with silly console support. :D

Tank looks good, just caught up to the fact you started this thread!
I love the PC Game pic, I also can't stand consoles or games that have been infected with silly console support. :D

Tank looks good, just caught up to the fact you started this thread!


haha just kidding... i think we should live peacefully alongside each other... we console gamer playing and you installing and upgrading :lolspin:
Looking good can't wait to see the new sump
Me neither! I've got the plans for it and it's going to be really interesting!

I love the PC Game pic, I also can't stand consoles or games that have been infected with silly console support. :D

Tank looks good, just caught up to the fact you started this thread!
Console port games make me nauseous :lolspin:

Thanks Mark :beer:


haha just kidding... i think we should live peacefully alongside each other... we console gamer playing and you installing and upgrading :lolspin:
hahaha it's all part of the fun and you guys need to install these days too so don't try and pull that card :hammer: lol
Tank is doing really well :) Still topping up manually even though the tunze is in the tank and I just need to put the pump in RO :p haha I haven't tested any levels but all the corals are open, growing and colouring up really well! The fish are happy and getting fat too, I'm feeding gouble what I was in the cube to get some better health and happiness from them and also in preparations of having more fish to feed in the tank lol

The new sump designed by the sump master is going to be a kicka*s piece of kit too!! This pic is from the back of the sump, left is overflow and skimmer section and to the right of that is return section and pre-return filter socks. Far right is the frag section which is about roughly a third of the sump!!

This is from the front of the sump. The funny looking L-shape section underneath is actual the top-off storage tank! Works out to be about 32L and means I don't have to waste space with a section for it :)

Top down gives you some ideas too, second chamber will be higher flow matrix and low flow super anaerobic matrix will live under the frag racks :)
if i got it right the sump is pretty awesome!!

Tank is looking good for a pc gamer :lolspin:
but you got me with the installing part... shame on me :D

Keep it up buddy
Have you heard from Andrew the Biggles? Is he the one keeping your acros?
He is indeed the one looking after my acros :) He's doing well just busy and not able to get on to the forums to reply much but he does get on and see the updates :) Last time I saw him he was very glad to see that your tank was on the mend and looking good again :) so he is watching just doesn't get on to reply much lol

Very cool sump!
Nicely thought out.
It seems huge.
Very cool, I'm really happy with it and I'm going to get some acrylic trim done to neaten it up along with frag racks and maybe some covers :) It's going to be massive!! I'm absolutely stoked :D Having a big easily accessible sump is going to be amazing!

if i got it right the sump is pretty awesome!!

Tank is looking good for a pc gamer :lolspin:
but you got me with the installing part... shame on me

Keep it up buddy
haha I had to look at it a few times before I got it as well :facepalm:

:wildone: it's because we PC gamers always go for the best and not settle for the sub-par performance that one might get from a console ;) hahahaha

Cheers Flo :beer:
haha I had to look at it a few times before I got it as well :facepalm:

:wildone: it's because we PC gamers always go for the best and not settle for the sub-par performance that one might get from a console ;) hahahaha

Cheers Flo :beer:

haha but get the most out of the space you´ve got! perfect

yes but i´m happy with not having to think about if and how a game is going to work... disk in and happy :dance:

Cheers Dom