Well I'd like everyone to know that I'm still alive and so is the tank :wavehand:
I had a fantastic time in the US and even the snow storms in NY that kept us stuck there for three days was an experience and a half haha :spin2: I did manage to visit AquaSD and Two Guys Corals which were both amazing! There was a couple I missed out on but I'll get to them next time!
The tank survived my absence really well, my partner was amazing looking after my babies

The only big bad news was that we lost my big baby maxima

she was lost under mysterious circumstances and no idea why. It certainly wasn't from lack of care from my partner though (her friends at work are calling her the "Clam Killer" now haha). So while that news was pretty upsetting as you can imagine all the fish are happy and safe and all the other corals are doing really well
The best part about getting back is now that the tank has been completely acro free for the last 10wks or so, it's time for the fun to begin again!! :celeb2:
I have a few big plans for the restocking process and it should be a rather fun time! I'm excited to say the least! My plans are to get at least 50% of the water changed in the next couple of weeks, run the battery of tests twice a week and get two or three Triton tests done over the next month or two done. On top of that, guess who's
FINALLY getting a screen top made haha. TopLids are making my top for me and so far he's been absolutely fantastic to deal with so I'll be doing a small review on them when I get my top on the tank!!
I spend a few hours last weekend giving the tank a good scrub, clean, water change and rescape too. Cleaned all the glass, tidied the frag tank, got bullied by my female maroon lol and overhauled the scape! It looks like a big ol' pile of rocks but it's all lifted and open underneath using rebar mesh chairs (which are amazing to use for reefing purposes haha) and the reason I haven't gone super creative with the scape is it's tailored more for the happiness of the fish than having a crazy wack-a-doodle scape :lol: There's lots of acro mounting space and I already have the layout and acro placements in my head so it's just a matter of getting there now