The Scleractinia Shallows

Some more food while we were away, pick your own seafood and it was amazing!! :inlove:

I now know how you prepare giant clams to eat as well... :facepalm:

Another breakfast, all fresh and cooked to order by the wonderful chefs! Vietnamese coffee is my new favourite thing too!! Just glorious!!
Good lord that seafood! I would be 400 lbs by the time I got out of there:lolspin:
i'm on a diet...i go in a reef forum to see some coral pics to forget food etc....and what my beautiful eyes see...???.....shrimps and food pics.....thanks dom.....:thumbsup:
That's not the sort of food you should be eating when you come to Singapore! Eat as the locals do in the hawker centres!
nice Dom!!

Singapore was an amazing expeerience for me!! never seen a so clean city :D

have fun mate

The fact that they will not hesitate to fine you 10K Singaporean dollars for littering or beat you with a stick does tend to deter litterbugs and other sorts of amoral behavior.

Singapore is beautiful, and I truly enjoyed visiting it while I was in the military.
The fact that they will not hesitate to fine you 10K Singaporean dollars for littering or beat you with a stick does tend to deter litterbugs and other sorts of amoral behavior.

Singapore is beautiful, and I truly enjoyed visiting it while I was in the military.

yes i was quite shocked when i saw the 500$ fine sign for eating and drinking in the train... specially while i was drinking my coke :lolspin:
You do know why they have razor wire hanging over the top of Freedomland don't you Dom ?


It's to deter the rabid monkeys from dropping down on stupid unsuspecting tourists mate - bet they didn't mention that in the bloody travel brochure.....

Apparently the color red really sets them off.........:love1:

Looks like paradise, Dom!
But I think Andrew got it wrong, the wire is not to keep the rabid monkeys out, it's to keep the rabid 'better half' out, who, for unknown reasons had to stay home and feed the fish!
Awesome Dom, so jealous mate!
It was amazing and very jealous worthy lol

Good lord that seafood! I would be 400 lbs by the time I got out of there:lolspin:
It was SSSSOOOOOOO GOOOODDDD :eek2: and cheap as anything!! I ate so much, so so very much!

Dom it looks like you had a great trip, did you end up trying a Tridacna clam? :P
It was a great trip but no I couldn't bring myself to do it haha I watched intently as to how it was cooked, prepared and served but didn't have the heart to try them myself haha

i'm on a diet...i go in a reef forum to see some coral pics to forget food etc....and what my beautiful eyes see...???.....shrimps and food pics.....thanks dom.....:thumbsup:
I'm on a diet at the moment haha the food was and is amazing!

nice Dom!!
Singapore was an amazing expeerience for me!! never seen a so clean city :D
have fun mate
Clean, modern and amazing infrastructure!!

That's not the sort of food you should be eating when you come to Singapore! Eat as the locals do in the hawker centres!
Don't worry there was plenty of that ;) Street food and hawkers markets are one of the best bits about Asia!!

The fact that they will not hesitate to fine you 10K Singaporean dollars for littering or beat you with a stick does tend to deter litterbugs and other sorts of amoral behavior.
Singapore is beautiful, and I truly enjoyed visiting it while I was in the military.
Yes they are just a little bit strict :deadhorse: but I love it anyway, it's a wonderful city/country!

Looks like paradise, Dom!
But I think Andrew got it wrong, the wire is not to keep the rabid monkeys out, it's to keep the rabid 'better half' out, who, for unknown reasons had to stay home and feed the fish!
It was better than paradise :celeb2: just wonderful!
hahahahaha poor lovely, she did pretty good with the tank while I was gone though :)

Last tank was beautiful, I don't expect this to be different !
Thanks mate :beer: I appreciate the kind words!
Well I know I said I'd do the update at the beginning of the week buuutttt I got busy so it got put off but Friday is always a good day to sit down especially since I work the weekends lol. Alright enough waffling!
S.E.A Aquarium is one of the best I've ever ben too, it certainly shits all over Melbourne haha it has some of the best variety, diversity and well looked after and loved tanks I've seen! They're all phenomenal :)

The aquarium starts with a big ole' moray and anthias tank with a big tang tank right next door. The tangs are some of the best unicorns I've seen! lol ugly mofo's though..

Someone liked the kenya tree too lol he didn't move!

From here we move on to my favourite tank!! The hard coral, anthias tank :D It contains some of the absolute best coloured anthias and healthiest fish I've ever seen around and they have the feeding regiment to match why everything in the tank is so amazing! From the tank manager himself when I sent them an email about the feedings:
"We feed our animals with fairly good variety of fresh seafood.
Feeds include:
Red plankton

The purple queens are oh-so-amazing and it just makes me love them so much more every time I see the tank!!

It's a pretty kickass tank!

From there we move on to a nice soft coral tank that was hiding a surprise that I waited 15mins to get a decent picture of!??

A gorgeous little Clarion :D

Right next to that is a cracking NPS tank that was hiding an even better surprise that I couldn't get a pic of :( It was a stunning Candy Basslet! The sun croals were amazing though!

Some nice RBTA's in another tank

There were also some crazy awesome tube nems in some of the various tanks too

Their inverts were almost as cool as some of the fish they had!

There were half a dozen of these groovers in one tank lol

I think this is my second favourite tank! lol bet you can't guess why though...

Last but not least their selection of jellyfish tanks were pretty stunning too??

There are other tanks and an AMAZINGLY large open ocean tank but the pics from those were **** so I'm not sharing them as they didn't turn out all that great and they're blurry ol but that's what I've got for the amazing Singpore aquarium lol

Hope you all enjoy :)
Awesome pics! I have been to the Atlanta aquarium here in the states (supposed to be one of the best) and it didn't have any tanks as cool as those that I can remember. Love the Anthias. Need some for my tank now that I think about it :beer:
Nice pics at the aquarium! You should have stole that clarion. :lol2::debi: Love the jellyfish picture.
Awesome pics! I have been to the Atlanta aquarium here in the states (supposed to be one of the best) and it didn't have any tanks as cool as those that I can remember. Love the Anthias. Need some for my tank now that I think about it :beer:
I would love to visit the numerous aquariums throughout the US! The anthias were just amazing, I can't describe how good the colours were on them!!

wow Dom your tank has grown... Mate what was your GF feeding while you were away partying? :lolspin:
hahaha :lolspin: I think she was adding some uranium to food while I was gone :eek1:

That jellyfish pic is sick:inlove::inlove:
Yeah the jellyfish tanks are pretty sweet!

Nice pics at the aquarium! You should have stole that clarion. :lol2::debi: Love the jellyfish picture.
I wanted too, along with smuggle the candy basslet back with me! They are my number one fish :inlove: