The Scleractinia Shallows

Dom, that baby is looking ready for acros.
Andrew better throw in a bunch of extras when you pick up your stuff.
He owes you after you let him have your corals all this time!
That's agood start bud...lps related but still a good start:beer:
It's all softie evils at the moment haha once I have the sump things will be drastically different ;)

Dom, that baby is looking ready for acros.
Andrew better throw in a bunch of extras when you pick up your stuff.
He owes you after you let him have your corals all this time!
I'm just about there I think :beer: just waiting on sump for extra space to organise all my bloody frags lol

Um, this looks more like the "Zoanthid Zone" than the "Scleratinia Shallows":spin2:
Something, something... humble beginnings? :spin2: hahaha
Well I suppose I should have a little more of an update to go with the video I just randomly posted last night lol.
As I've mentioned the tank is a little bit of a softie mess at the moment as I don't really have any room to organise the frags and sort them out properly lol. Once I have my schmexy new sump under the tank I can sort it all out, change the scape up a little and get ready to stuff the amazing tank full of candy coloured goodness :D
I did my first water change on the tank yesterday and the first series of tests too and things turned out pretty nicely :) Alk is way low but that's because I'm not dosing at the moment as I'm lazy lol but everything else was way better than I was expecting!
Alk: 4.5dKh
pH: 8
Nitrates: 0-5ppm, test was too hard to determine so it's somewhere in there lol
Phos: 0.009ppm, test with the Hanna low range Phosphorous kit.

The phos reading surprised me a little as I get glass growth fairly soon so it may be a little higher but then again I only just recently added some captivphos to sort out any silicates that might be coming out of the rocks :) No signs of hair algae or anything just some great diatoms and glass growth :) lol

All the corals are doing well and growing so I'm really happy with that front of the tank but there is some bad news at the same rate. Some really bad news :( I've had some fish loses. It seems that my beautiful bellus and kole never really quite settled into the tank and each other. They were constantly squabbling and going after each other and it seems that that had taken it's toll in the end... both of them fell ill and have sadly died :( massively upset about the loss of these guys and especially my bellus. It seems that it's purely down to their interactions with each other as both my wrasse's (earmuff and possum) are completely healthy with no signs of sickness what-so-ever.

It means I've also been giving my stocklist a really long hard think over the last couple of days and what I want from the tank. It seems like I'm heading in a bit more of a wrasse direction and smaller fish with just a couple of 'big' fish. It's going to be a pretty (read expensive) tank lol:
- A pair of captive bred royal grammas
- Lennardi wrasse
- A pair of flasher wrasse, haven't decided on species yet.
- Anything liopropoma that comes through Dave! Anything lol
- A new pair of genicanthus :(
- Tinkers butterfly (still lol)

It's a bit of a sad update but the tank is still progressing as I'd hoped which I guess is the silver lining in all this.
Dom I think the longest recorded success with Lennardi is like a year or so? Most don't last very long for whatever reason, I believe Sanjay had the one that lasted for a year so definitely not your average reefer. There are other Anampses spp. that are just as beautiful and have a better success rate if you're looking for one in that genus.

Can't wait for your to get your sump, I want to see those beautiful acros!! :P What's the ETA?
Looking good, ready for the SPS! Love the scientific name usage, takes me back to college. Lennardi wrasse looks beautiful in pictures. I have never seen one so it must be pretty rare. My favorite family of fish are wrasses. Unmatched beauty IMO
Dom I think the longest recorded success with Lennardi is like a year or so? Most don't last very long for whatever reason, I believe Sanjay had the one that lasted for a year so definitely not your average reefer. There are other Anampses spp. that are just as beautiful and have a better success rate if you're looking for one in that genus.

Can't wait for your to get your sump, I want to see those beautiful acros!! :P What's the ETA?
Yeah they're a bit tricky, similar to a. femininus but with the right maturity in the tank and a locally sourced fish I think I'll have a fighting chance. The problem with a lot of fish like this is the process they have to endure to make it to you guys. We'll see how I go but down the road I would love to get one and as with all my fish, you gotta put in the hard yards! lol

Two weeks hopefully :bounce3:

coming together nicely Dom...

can´t wait to see this tank taking off!

love those sps :lolspin:
haha shush you!! there's some monti in there :lolspin:

Looking good, ready for the SPS! Love the scientific name usage, takes me back to college. Lennardi wrasse looks beautiful in pictures. I have never seen one so it must be pretty rare. My favorite family of fish are wrasses. Unmatched beauty IMO
I'm very ready for sps, hopefully the tank is too :D lol I do enjoy scientific names and such so I try to use them when I can be bothered and have the sense about it haha
Lennardi would be my second rare wrasse in the tank :) lol it would contrast very nicely with my halichoeres melasmapomus ;)
haha shush you!! there's some monti in there :lolspin:


really? where?

Yeah they're a bit tricky, similar to a. femininus but with the right maturity in the tank and a locally sourced fish I think I'll have a fighting chance. The problem with a lot of fish like this is the process they have to endure to make it to you guys. We'll see how I go but down the road I would love to get one and as with all my fish, you gotta put in the hard yards! lol

Hey as long as you're fully aware! Hopefully you'll be able to beat the odds, it would be an absolutely beautiful addition to your new reef. :beer: Looking forward to more updates. :D

really? where?

Listen here you! :angryfire: if you're not careful I'm going to organise an envelope of glitter to be sent you and they are a PAIN in the a*s to clean up hahaha

Hey as long as you're fully aware! Hopefully you'll be able to beat the odds, it would be an absolutely beautiful addition to your new reef. :beer: Looking forward to more updates. :D
Yep, I'm a bit of a sucker for punishment with some fish that I want to keep lol. Hopefully I can and I think with the right routine it should be possible :) well hopefully at least lol I'll be sure to make sure she's feeding at the lfs if I do get one though :)
Listen here you! :angryfire: if you're not careful I'm going to organise an envelope of glitter to be sent you and they are a PAIN in the a*s to clean up hahaha

haha okay i am stopping buddy!
mate get over to Andrew and take back your corals! wanna see how they look in the new tank :dance:
Listen here you! :angryfire: if you're not careful I'm going to organise an envelope of glitter to be sent you and they are a PAIN in the a*s to clean up hahaha

Yep, I'm a bit of a sucker for punishment with some fish that I want to keep lol. Hopefully I can and I think with the right routine it should be possible :) well hopefully at least lol I'll be sure to make sure she's feeding at the lfs if I do get one though :)

Tanks looking good dom! I know all to well how easy it is to get carried away and transfer everything over so i admire your self control!
As your aware ive tried a pair of lennardi as im in WA and they are caught as far as im aware from our north west they come up annually if im lucky (im actually heading up to broome tommorow :p) i have had trouble finding healthy specimens, the ones i try have damaged mouths from being in a barren qt tank and rubbing against the glass, the one that was healthy and survived for a few weeks would only eat pods so i started culture baby brine but it still withered away! Hopefully you can source a healthy larger one! Ive only tried tiny ones as i like little fish haha
haha okay i am stopping buddy!
mate get over to Andrew and take back your corals! wanna see how they look in the new tank :dance:
haha don't worry you're not the only one making fun of me :p
I can't wait to see them in the tank either!! Not long to go now :D

Tanks looking good dom! I know all to well how easy it is to get carried away and transfer everything over so i admire your self control!
As your aware ive tried a pair of lennardi as im in WA and they are caught as far as im aware from our north west they come up annually if im lucky (im actually heading up to broome tommorow :p) i have had trouble finding healthy specimens, the ones i try have damaged mouths from being in a barren qt tank and rubbing against the glass, the one that was healthy and survived for a few weeks would only eat pods so i started culture baby brine but it still withered away! Hopefully you can source a healthy larger one! Ive only tried tiny ones as i like little fish haha
Thanks Brok :) It's be a hard slog not buying lots of stuff and filling the tank already lol but once I get that sump firing.. well that's a different story :lmao:
Yeah, I'm hoping given the quality of them I've usually seen come in and how much effort goes into getting them to feed I'll get lucky and get the right specimen but even if I have to work for it I'm prepared to :) lol
Spent a few hours at Deer Park today just chilling and chatting with Mark and Dave, didn't buy anything but I had nothing better to do so it was the best way to blow 4 hours :p haha poor buggers!
That being said I did get to check out the kick *** range of Aquaforest products now in the store and given how amazingly priced they are, I'll be moving to AF for my big 3 dosing and some trace as well I think. Might give some of the other crazy products a go down the line too! :)

The real highlight of the trip was getting to see my sump in a near finished state :D D holy crap it's going to be soooo amazing to have a play with!! :D Dave has done a marvelous job with it and I was certainly not wrong entrusting the sump to him! I cannot wait to have this bad boy running! Everything looks fantastic and it's going to be a breeze to work with as well :) There's so much room lol frag tank/acclimatisation tank is going to come in a great deal of handiness with all new additions too! Anyway I took a couple of snaps of my sexy new sump!

I do feel a little bad for the tank builder :P (not really :lolspin: ) haha