the swirler-stein

Yes. Very cheaply. It's called a transformer. You can next tear out your front door buzzer and use the 120/24V transformer running it.. LOL

Or your furnace or possibly your washing machine.

You need around a 20 to 30 VA transformer control transformer. You shouldn't need to pay more than about $15.

There are actually 24Vac wall warts you can buy that would do the job too.

Jameco has a bunch.
thats ok, i just ordered a couple 120vac 2 rpm motors and also a couple 120vac 20 rpm motors for diy swabbies, im going to machine my swirler boxes from 2 1/4" pvc flat stock for the swirler and swabbies, picked up the motors for a little over $5 a piece
Ok thanks.

I hate asking but is there a run down for parts and where from?

I need to sit down and re-read this thread again though.
well I finished up the reworking last night. I did an oval arm for the motor shaft and its double thick where it connects to the motor. I ran it all night with no problem, it was still turning no problem when I unplugged it this morning. I'm sure the problem was my wiring, I took extra care in wraping it up and making sure it was tied up and out of the way this time. I should have built a guard all the moving parts so no amount of shaking it around would put the wires in the path of the moving parts. I'll probably do that on the next one, and retro fit this one if I have any problems with it.

I took a few pictures of the almost finished project that I'll upload a little later. I also took a movie of it moving so people could see the 2.5rpm in action. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find a place to host it, but if I do I'll post it. All thats left is to get the indicator lights from radioshack and hook them up, then its completely done. I'm going to guestimate pricing for people so they will have some idea. It can certainly be done cheaper than I did it, in every area.

EASY BUILD.. just takes some time and patients.

$8.50 Housing (Lowes 4x4x2) box

$3.99+S Motor

$0.00 Acrylic arms (I had it laying around any plastic would work these are not big pieces)
1 motor mount
1 motor to tie-rod arm
1 down tube cam

$4.00 rc car tie-rod - ( also posted a link for 4 for $6.69) but I paid $4.00 local to replace the one I took from my rc car.

$5.99 14g wire (lowes) (I got this so it would fit my gromets)

$1.99 1/4" gromets

$3.99 4 way switch (Off, A on, B on, A&B on)

$0.00 3/4" pvc.. I used about 3 inches of this and for the down tube holder, I had to dremel it out a little, A 3/4" slip coupling would work also.

$0.00 1/2" pvc.. this is the down tube.

Forgot I also bought little bolts, I got one package at lowes for about $2.00 and will have lots extra so it probably doesn't even count.

Razor knife (x-acto)

Heck I think thats it.. so it comes out to $28.46 plus some for the shipping, and I'm going to spend about $3.00 more for indicator lights. I'll go see about getting up that movie and a few finish pictures.

Found this on page 7. Is this pretty close or is there a better list?
Found this on page 7. Is this pretty close or is there a better list?

Seriously, there is a 'better' build somewhere in that thread. The key item missing from hmott's design is the bearing. I used a bearing from VXB and mine has been up and running for 3+ yrs with only one inspection. Then only the screw holding the motor linkage was tightened and a dab of Loc-tite added so I never had to do that again. My 11yr old MJ is getting a little weak so I might have to replace it with a new one in the upcoming years, but my two builds are bullet-proof and beat the snot out of my Vortech for reliability (plastic shaft:headwalls:).

If you need some more help on the list or the build (if you have not completed it yet), give me a shout. I love these things and enjoyed building it and am amazed what $50 created every time I look at it!
lot of dead links on the 1st pages of this... anyone got a link to some pics or better yet a video of what this actualy does? i want to see one in action (i love to build things)
The lost photos were frustrating for me too so I revamped HMott's work in this thread (

BINGO!!! Mike to the rescue....I tried finding his thread and gave up after searching my thread subscription.

Mike's thread is hands down more down-and-dirty build related than hmott's which kind of sways all over the place. The majority of my contributions to the SS is on Mike's thread. A MUSt read before going forward IMO unless your sharp with the design logic and dremel.

Frank thank you very much.

I have not even started yet on this. I am a slow builder. I was pretty happy I cut and dry fitted my plumbing the other night.

Ok well half of it.

I am going to build one of these. I am going to attempt the bearing route. Waiting for my motors to ship from china. Purchased them from Re-Bay from seller -huberylu. Also Check out sea sweep. The same concept but this route seems cheaper.
Any other threads on this? This one died and all the detailed pictures on how to build are gone. I seen some other ones but not detailed. I want to make one but not the ones that holds the powerheads, the ones that the lines run through.