The Ultimate Cube 280g

Going to go with flex spa and put them into the fishroom. After looking at hard lines going into the fishroom, it is just going to be too much work. So looks like another trip to the hardware store. My wife hates the hardware store :)
Quick question for reefers with experience with this(ok not so quick):

I have only done this one other time, usually when i set up a new tank, i am transferring everything from one tank to the new tank.

This time i have a running system in my fish room 60g frag tank, and a 40g sump. When i add my display tank online, i am basically going to fill the new display tank up with fresh salt water, and turn all pumps on, and it will basically be like a huge water change. My system will go from 100g to 380g with a flip of a switch. I will have my display filled up all the way to the top so that when I turn on the return pump for my display it will begin to let the fresh water drain into the overflow and then down into the sump. The sump is shared by both my running frag system and the display tank.

Finally my question is...would you expect to see much of a cycle? The rock i am using in the display tank is about 300-400lbs. of dried LR. It is all very clean rock, which you can see in my pictures. I will be transfering my LR that i currently have in my frag tank starting 24hours after the system is online. I know its bad to move all of your rocks around and that can cause a cycle, so i plan on doing that slowly piece by piece also.
Ok, so i just installed the lower Closed Loop. Not to happy with the flow. Its very weak! I am using a reeflo dart. With a 1 1/2“ drain from the Bulkhead to the inlet. I am using 1” from the dart's outlet to the OM. The OM i believe uses 3/4“ inlets.

2 of my returns are Y'd into 2 outlets so i have a total of 6 outlets. I know ofcourse if i just take them down to 4 outlets all together flow will be a bit better, but the flow is still pathetic for what i was thinking it would produce. Any ideas? Or possibilities to why?
I would have started the new tank with some existing live rock and insured the new tank was cycled before doing a "flash" changeover to the new system. Also, use part of the old water, at least a quarter, on the new tank at changeover so as not to shock the fish and inverts going over.

But that's just me.

I would have started the new tank with some existing live rock and insured the new tank was cycled before doing a "flash" changeover to the new system. Also, use part of the old water, at least a quarter, on the new tank at changeover so as not to shock the fish and inverts going over.

But that's just me.


I won't be doing a changeover, I am basically just adding water volume in the amount of 280 gallons. I will also be adding tons of rock. All fish/corals will remain in frag system.
I now have 5 returns from the CL and flow got a little better since putting on 4 flow accelerators on 4 out of the 5 returns. I took both flow accelerators off of my frag tank and jimmy rigged them with these:

They now look something like this and the flow is actually close to equal:

I ended up putting the dart behind the tank, its really quiet! I tested it on my wife. I asked her if she could hear the pump and she didn't notice it until I mentioned it. So it passed the wife test. It will be quieter when the stand is skinned and completed. Here are some shots of my CL setup:





And here are some shots of my messy fish room. I tried to take a gradual photo tour as you walk into the fish room...

The first shot is what you see right when look through the doorway:

Next is a shot from within the doorway

Turning the corner just slightly:

A little more:

And finally where my frag table will be setup just before you get to the RO system and to the right of the RO system will by QT tank:
Still awaiting the finishing of the display tank, but in the mean time i have been collecting a few new corals! Here are a few shots of the frag rack that is filling up fast!


