Baby Fish Wrangler
I came across a deal to good to pass up. A 3' x 3' x 31" cube.
Will a 250Watt Halide in a large lumenarc reflector with a XM10k and 4 x 39W T5's be enough to light the tank?
I plan on housing LPS and some of the easier SPS. I also have a large deresa, maxima and squammy that will be transfered into this tank. System will be roughly 225 gallons total.
Will a 250Watt Halide in a large lumenarc reflector with a XM10k and 4 x 39W T5's be enough to light the tank?
I plan on housing LPS and some of the easier SPS. I also have a large deresa, maxima and squammy that will be transfered into this tank. System will be roughly 225 gallons total.