Eddie, they are sort of linked. The discussion about collecting is about hobbyists. Although, not about vendors per se. However, the discussion about who has enforcement authority and constitutional authority to make/change rules is very much pertinent to vendors at frag swaps. We need to get DOACS and FWC to agree on and publish (either in FAQ's or better yet in the statutes) what a hobbyist is considered and what a commercial vendor is considered. As it stands right now, DOACS doesn't really care about the once or twice a year frag swaps that our respective clubs put on. Niether does FWC, but they are starting to take notice. MACNA and local frag swaps are a different animal. With one or two exceptions, most everyone at MACNA is commercial. They either have a store front, have their own website or consistently sell on ebay. That one is easy. Frag swaps are different. You have a lot of guys like me that could produce enough frags to sell on ebay every week, but just don't want to fool with it. My set up is at my house and I only sell to local club members or at frag swaps. DOACS considers me a hobbyist. But, an individual officer at FWC might not. Hence why I think all the Florida clubs need to continue to push for a definition that all parties are in agreement. FWC may not have an issue with swaps today, but one day I think they might.
As for what we should tell our vendors, I think Marvin is on the right track about the meeting. For the balance of this year, I don't anticipate any issues from FWC. But, then again, I told you I did not think FWC was going to show up at MACNA. Missed that one!
I hope my answer help to clarify things. After all, how clear is mud anyway?