Simple if you don't stand up for your rights you will end up without any.
I would never see this as losing any rights. If they were to come to your house without a warrent and dragged you out, then I would see something like this as losing your rights. They simply came to check things out. I don't really see this any different than if I was fishing or collecting at the beach and they stopped to see what I was up to. Had this happen and I didn't mind at all.
I would have been completely fine with them writing tickets instead of warnings. If your selling stuff you should know the laws and not need to be educated of them.
That sounds a bit harsh. I can understand that vendors who live in Florida should know our laws. I can also understand why a lot of vendors didn't know about all the paper work they needed. They have probably sold tons of livestock in other states and never even heard about such requirements that Florida has. We have such rules to protect our state's waters and reefs which probably only a couple of other states also have.
As for them paying to get in, I don't see why they should or would need to. They were doing their job. I also don't see why this is such an issue. I highly doubt any of them were doing any shopping. Also, if they had to pay then it would probably end up being the taxpapers that really pay.
I say let them come and see what our hobby is all about. Like I said before when the laws were written us hobbyist were not actively growing corals and breeding fish. Since there has been such a huge success with this it is nice for FWC to learn more about us and hopefully can change some laws to benefit the hobbyist which in turn benefits consveration.
Have you possibly had a bad encounter with law enforcement?
I think it would be a great idea to have FWC be a speaker at a meeting. It would be interesting to hear what they have to say and for us to ask questions.
Jimbo for some reason your questions remind me of something from way back when. Years ago (many) I dated a Navy jet pilot. One day he was complaining about the random drug testing they did. He was so against it. He also thought it was violating his rights. I was shocked by his comments. As far as I knew he never did drugs and didn't even smoke. I never understood why people would be against these tests. If you have nothing to hide then whats the big deal? I see these rules as protecting us just like the FWC is trying to protect the reefs, etc.
I particularly like the random drug tests. How would you like to be a passenger on a plane with a drugged out or drunk pilot? So whose rights do these drug tests violate, the pilots rights or the rights of passengers who should be able to get on a plane and not have to worry about the condition of the pilots? My thought is that if someone doesn't want to get tested then they damn well shouldn't be flying any planes.
Serves my friend right since he has had to endure a life time of random drug tests. He is a Delta Captain.
It still annoys the crap out of me when pilots, doctors or others in such a position are against random drug tests. BTW hubby isn't one of them or he would get a big ear full. He does not care what they do with his pee. He doesn't need it anymore.
Ok, sorry for my rant. Jimbos questions reminded me of this.