He would have needed the SPL (with endorsements for Restricted Species and Marine Life) and a Shark permit for what was quoted in the article. The sea fans are protected no matter what. As for the baby alligators, not sure. But, Tamiami trail from Miami to Naples is all restricted (Everglades NP, Miccosukee Indian Reservation, Big Cypress NP and Collier Seminole SP)
For sharks you must posses a Federal Shark permit, either directed or incidental permit....and to posses and purchase/sell sharks you must also have a Federal shark dealer permit.
Note there are four types of Marline life endorsements that go on an SPL, and none of them can be obtained anymore unless you purchase an existing license from somebody...and then only a MLD or MLB.
Alligators are a big no-no. No harvest unless you apply and are picked in the lottery each year for harvest, then you are allowed two in certain areas and dates.
There is a MLD endorsement "marine life dive" which allows the holder to collect marine live in the state of Florida and posses commercial quantities in permitted areas.
There is a MLB endorsement "marine life byproduct" which allows the holder to collect and save marine life in the state of Florida while on a vessel such as a bait shrimp boat, lobster boat, blue crab boat, any vessel that is permitted in the state for their particular activity to be able to retain permitted quantities of marine life while on-board that vessel and fishing in the vessels fishery as by catch.
There is a MLC endorsement "Marine life curio" which allows the holder to collect and save marine life associated with the curio trade, like starfish, sand dollars, live shells in permitted areas and quantities.
There is a MLN endorsement "Marine life non transferable outside of your immediate family". Is the same as a MLD limits wise.
Here is the official state regs
Only MLD and MLB endorsements are transferable after initial issuance. The sale or transfer of the Marine Life endorsement will result in forfeiture of that endorsement.
Marine Life Endorsement Transfer Form Instructions
1. Read the application carefully, print or type clearly, and be sure to complete all sections. For assistance, contact the Office of Licensing and Permitting in Tallahassee (850) 487-3122.
2. Only the Marine Life Transferable Dive (MLD) and Marine Life Bycatch (MLB) endorsements are transferable after initial issuance.
3. Seller must hold a valid MLD or MLB (as well as a valid SPL and RS) at the time of transfer.
4. Buyer must hold a Saltwater Products License with a valid Restricted Species endorsement in order to receive the Marine Life Endorsement (MLD or MLB).
5. Buyer must pay a fee of $75 to the Commission for the Marine Life Endorsement.
6. Buyer and/or seller must pay a fee of $10 to the Commission for the reprinting of their Saltwater Products license with the Marine Life Endorsement.
7. The sale or transfer of the Marine Life Endorsement (MLD or MLB) will result in the forfeiture of that endorsement on all Saltwater Products Licenses held by the seller.
8. No person, firm, or corporation shall be issued more than one Marine Life Endorsement type or more than one unique Marine Life Endorsement number.
9. An entity that holds a Marine Life Bycatch (MLB) endorsement cannot enter into a purchase agreement for a Marine Life Transferable Dive (MLD) endorsement until they sell or permanently forfeit the Marine Life Bycatch (MLB) endorsement at the time of transfer.
10. A Marine Life Transferable Dive (MLD) endorsement may only be applied to two Saltwater Products Licenses in any one license year.
11. A Marine Life Bycatch (MLB) or Marine Life Non-transferable Dive (MLN) endorsement may only be applied to one Saltwater Products License in any one license year.
12. The Marine Life Non-transferable Dive (MLN) endorsement is not transferable outside the immediate family.
13. After initial issuance, no endorsement may be converted from one type to another, except that an entity holding a Marine Life Transferable Dive (MLD) may convert to a Marine Life Non-transferable Dive (MLN) after initial issuance. This MLN can never be converted back to a MLD.
14. In the event of death or permanent disability of a person holding a Marine Life Endorsement (MLD, MLB, or MLN), the endorsement may be transferred by the license holder or the executor of the estate to a member of his or her immediate family within 12 months of the date of death or disability only after the recipient pays any outstanding fees, fines, or penalties to the Commission in full.
15. If the Marine Life Transferable Dive (MLD) endorsement has been applied to more than two Saltwater Products Licenses, only the initial MLD, which serves as an endorsement for no more than two Saltwater Products Licenses, can be transferred. The sale of this portion of the endorsement will result in the forfeiture of the endorsement on all other licenses held by the seller.
16. Transfer period is from May 1 thru midnight, last day of February, of each year. Requests received by the Commission before May 1 or post marked after the last day of February will not be processed.
17. An entity who wishes to transfer a Marine Life Endorsement must submit this statement of intent that has been signed and notarized by both parties to the transaction and hand delivered, or sent certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Office of Licensing and Permitting, 2590 Executive Center Circle, East, Suite 101, Tallahassee, FL, 32301. The transfer request must be received by this office within three days of the date of the notarized signature of the intended recipient.
18. Upon receipt of a marine life transferable dive endorsement (MLD), the transferee has 12 months from the date of purchase to produce trip tickets and document income from the sale of marine life as defined in Rule 68B-42.001, F.A.C., in order to renew the endorsement. Once renewed, this endorsement will be valid for three years from the date of documentation used to qualify, but must still be renewed annually by September 30 of each year.
19. All Marine Life endorsements must be renewed before September 30 of each year. Failure to renew by September 30 will result in the forfeiture of the endorsement.
Pursuant to the provisions of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), any person requiring special accommodations is asked to contact the ADA Coordinator at
Richard TBS