things that go pop in the night

i dont no it came with the full set up it was running when i bought it just kept it in there all i have besides that is a max jet 1200 skimmer
it is

Sounds like all it was was a bristle worm, which like stated above is perfectly safe. They eat detritus, uneaten food, and any dead/rotting anything. The bug looking things were most likely pods, again these are good. Have you heard the ticking noise since taking out the filter?? I wouldn't put the bio wheel back, major nitrate factory. Hope you get it figured out.

bio wheels

bio wheels

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6956551#post6956551 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mrs.kbmdale
it is

Sounds like all it was was a bristle worm, which like stated above is perfectly safe. They eat detritus, uneaten food, and any dead/rotting anything. The bug looking things were most likely pods, again these are good. Have you heard the ticking noise since taking out the filter?? I wouldn't put the bio wheel back, major nitrate factory. Hope you get it are biowheels really nitrate factories???
When your talking about Bio-Wheels I have (2) emperor 400's on my 55 gallon tank which means it has 4 bio-wheels 2 per unit, Should I take those off the filter and let it do its thing without them because the other night when I did my tests on my water I came up with 20-25ppm in nitrates ??? thanks for the help
^^^^^^^ are you trying to say I should've typed bio wheels instead of bio wheel or something?? otherwise, what was the point of that post?
:lol: mandarin momma, I kinda figured you did something weird :lol:

bjonesjr1, YESSSSSS remove them, but I would NOT do it all at once. I would do one this week, as in as soon as you read this :D and then one next week, and so on for the other two. That way everything has a chance to stabilize.

EDIT: oh yeah, if you haven't got any cheato, get some. It drastically will reduce trates and keep them down.
K I will remove the Bio-wheels thanks for the help I have done several threads about that exact thing and no one has ever given me an exact answer. So I will take one of each week tell they are gone. got it... The emperor's I have will do just fine without them right ??? What about the spray bars which way should I point them ??? down back at the media or against the flip down screen so it goes back in the tank ???
Here is a little info on some marine plants, if this isn't enough then pm me and I'll get back to you tomorrow. I'm on my laptop and all my links are on my main computer, which my husband is currently occupying, trolling helmet2helmet :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6956926#post6956926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bjonesjr1
When your talking about Bio-Wheels I have (2) emperor 400's on my 55 gallon tank which means it has 4 bio-wheels 2 per unit, Should I take those off the filter and let it do its thing without them because the other night when I did my tests on my water I came up with 20-25ppm in nitrates ??? thanks for the help

I don't know about taking them off. They're doing their job which is why you have nitrates. The nitrogen cycle goes Ammonia>Nitrite>Nitrate. If you have plants or denitrifying sand bed, or some other sort of denitrifier, then your Nitrates will go down. I think if you take out the wheels, you'll see a slower increase in Nitrates, but also a climb in your ammonia which is a no no. But never a decrease in Nitrates without some way of removing or converting them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6957703#post6957703 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by XeniaMania
I don't know about taking them off. They're doing their job which is why you have nitrates. The nitrogen cycle goes Ammonia>Nitrite>Nitrate. If you have plants or denitrifying sand bed, or some other sort of denitrifier, then your Nitrates will go down. I think if you take out the wheels, you'll see a slower increase in Nitrates, but also a climb in your ammonia which is a no no. But never a decrease in Nitrates without some way of removing or converting them.

removing them will not increase your ammonia or nitrites. they are removed by bacteria, them same bacteria that grows in the bio-wheels grows on all the surfaces in your tank. but that bacteria cant break down nitrates. and having to much of that bacteria will cause the nitrates to be high in your system, basicly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6962426#post6962426 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paintbug
removing them will not increase your ammonia or nitrites. they are removed by bacteria, them same bacteria that grows in the bio-wheels grows on all the surfaces in your tank. but that bacteria cant break down nitrates. and having to much of that bacteria will cause the nitrates to be high in your system, basicly.

If the biowheels where the bacteria lives is removed, why wouldn't ammonia increase? The biological filter has been reduced, so the conversion of ammonia to nitrite has slowed down. They may be in all areas of the tank, but will mostly be concentrated in the biowheels I think. Over time, as ammonia becomes more abundant, the colonies will grow elsewhere.