things that go pop in the night

thats why you dont remove them all at once. ok i guess i will rephrase. there will be a small increase in the ammonia, so small you will not be able to detect it, if you slowly remove your bio-filtration. same for nitrites. the way a bio-wheel works is it has a large surface area for the bacteria to grow. it also is exposed to fresh air causing an oxygen rich area for the bacteria to basically work in overdrive. thus causing a high production of nitrate. when you remove the bio-wheel its not like your are removing the entire population of the bacteria. ammonia is broken down quickly, as is nitrites. having 2 or more bio-wheels on a filter, when you remove one at a time, the bacteria thats working in overdrive will quickly break down the ammonia, and nitrites produced. by the time you get to removing the last one the bacteria thats already on every surface in the tank will be more than enough to keep the levels at 0ppm. plus with the filters that use bio-wheels they have filter cartridges with foam. thats another place for the bacteria to really flurrish. but since its in the water 100% of the time its not an oxygen rich area and they dont work as hard, and produce less nitrates.
Thanks I took one of the Bio-wheels out last night, and I will continue to one by one every 2 weeks I decided so that I don't shock my tank or creat something that will be to hard to take care of... Thanks for all the help, plus I think when I get my skimmer thats also going to hang like the empeors then the bio-wheels defiantly don't need to be used ???