New member
Very nice and truly amazing work,
the tank was also pretty happy but I made some rookie mistakes (even though I am not a rookie) and then made more mistakes trying to correct those mistakes and it became a very ugly and rapid downhill spiral.
3 x 250 watt 20k ushios (my ballast won't fire up radions) plus 2 x T5 80 watt actinics. I color correct in photoshop elements by doing two things: 1.) temperature correct to 20k and 2.) my pictures are generally underexposed so I increase exposure to +0.35 The intent is to get the colors to look like they do in person.Very nice colors! Whats your lighting consist of?
Primarily stupidity. I introduced biopellets, made some slight changes, had some more unhappiness in the tank, made bigger changes, even more unhappiness, made crazy changes and the spiral down just escalated.What was the cause of the crash?
Very nice pictures and corals!
PS: I think one of your frags fell in your rockwork
Nice tank. Thank you for sharing. How long has this tank been set up? Whats in your sump? Thnx.
Awesome Mark! It is Mark right?
Quite the collection of awesome corals.!
hey thankswow!!!!!!! u have what everyone is determined to have..growing corals with great color...amazing looking tank ..
Nice pics man. Tank looks amazing.
Beautiful tank man, what does your system consist of? I seem to be able to grow sps to a point and then they begin to receive from the bottom, tried dips and they still ended up bleaching?
if you ever find a name on this guy, let me know. I've got a whole colony of it with no name
beautiful tank btw, what are the dimensions? It looks deep!