Through the Looking Glass

Not often do you get to see a grafted acro.

I got this coral some time ago (6-12 months ago?), and it has an interesting history to it. Was in a LFS that has some hard core sps reefers in it. One of the guys said he got this from RR usa originally, forgot name or had no name, not sure anymore and he brought it in to his store to sell it. So I indeed bought it.

Anyway, it started out bright green with purplish tips and was interesting. Here are a couple of "colony" shots (its not much of a colony yet). Apparently, my aim was not very good this morning, I couldn't get a centered shot of the colony so you get two pictures of the colony.

And now magnifications of two different areas to get a pretty good sense of the grafting or unusual coloring going on. It is pretty cool.

Close up of top left branch from the first colony picture:

Close up of bottom branches from the second colony picture:

That's pretty wild :)
Thanks, it is crazy
Very cool!
You have to be an sps guy to think its cool. I think is very cool also
Thank you
That's cool looking gonna be at Rap in a few weeks
Not sure if I am going to make it to rap this year. I am going to try though

This is a common acro but absolutely stunning. It changes colors from almost blood red to fluorescent red depending on the tank. I have always kept mine in super high light and therefore very little green shows through. But in at least of these next two pictures, you should be able to spot some green at the base.

None other than the Red Planet

Here is the red planet next to ATL strawberry fields. My tank has been unhappy for a while and things are just starting to turn around--I think/hope. You can see the tips of the ATL strawberry fields receded and are just coming back now. Hopefully, the pretty red tips will return also

That's amazing that you can keep that color red on your red planet. I have a nice frag of it but i almost lost it. Now it's coming back from a bad RTN and is green more then anything else. But I am sure in a year or less it should bouncy back. Thanks for sharing your tank as its always an insperation to me.
That's amazing that you can keep that color red on your red planet. I have a nice frag of it but i almost lost it. Now it's coming back from a bad RTN and is green more then anything else. But I am sure in a year or less it should bouncy back. Thanks for sharing your tank as its always an insperation to me.

There always seems to be an issue in every reef tank where something gets unhappy. I am glad your red planet is coming back around My tank has been unhappy for a while but I think it is rebounding again. At least I certainly hope so

My vivid's rainbow delight frag finally showing some promise

Yes that's so true and one has to have a trained eye to catch it early or things could go bad fast.

That's an interesting piece you have there and I hope it does well for you. Keep the pictures rolling lol
Yes that's so true and one has to have a trained eye to catch it early or things could go bad fast.

That's an interesting piece you have there and I hope it does well for you. Keep the pictures rolling lol

Thanks, well I like to think that I have a somewhat trained eye, but when the tank starts to get unhappy , things tend to go downhill way too fast. I recognized the stress but could not really identify the problem. Plus there is not a lot of fat on those bones (sps that is).

I believe chloramine may have been an issue in my local water and I added a specific filter for that in my water station and the tank appears to be improving. My parameters are and have been stable and I test frequently particularly in strife.

I usually always blame Alk shifts when reefers have issue because typically if you can keep Alk stable and you test regularly most everything else falls into place. I have been testing Alk, ca, mag, salinity nitrates and phosphates and have been stumped. But alas I believe I am on track regardless.

A truly amazing reefer friend ( the true coral whisperer) shared this with me. The wet thumbs blue lightning horrida
