Tiger cowrie


New member
Purchased a tiger cowrie(3 in) a few weeks back thinking it might consume some of my hair algae. It has done a decent job along with my other clean up crew but the other night I found him sitting on some xenia. Not that I care about the xenia cause I had it before and it was a pain. But it was interesting to see this cowrie plow this stuff down. I don't have many soft coral that i worry that will get eaten except for some zoanthids and my hammer. I don't think he will touch my torch. I just hope he hasn't gone from algae to more of a "meal" guy. I've read that when younger they consume more algae but he is a good size.
Oh well if he starts getting to mouthy for my coral i can probably return him for a few more ring cowries or something. They are quite the creatures though.
You should be ok. I have kept several over the years with almost no problem whatsoever and I have kept them after they had grown large which is supposed to be when risk increases.
Once I had a maxima clam melt down and die overnight-the cowrie was in the vicinity but I have no idea whether or not he was the culprit. They had coexisted for several years without incident and I decided to keep the cowrie and never had another problem so my best guess was that the cowrie was innocent.
They love dried seaweed.
Thanks. Haven't tried the seaweed thing yet. My emerald crap might get upset if hand it out to the cowrie...lol. Need to get my hands on more xenia!!
What a life to be excited over a reef tank!