Active member
Hey guys. I posted in this thread a long time ago when I had my 55 gallon mixed reef and you all were great. So im coming to you again. Ive had a 125 gallon mixed reef for about 5 months now. Ive rearranged the rock scape 4 times!!! It never satisfies. I have a vision in my head but am not very good at putting it to actual fruition. So I recently got some more LR and decided to try again. Below is a picture of the tank tonight. I like the rockwork for the most part but not entirely. Ive managed to get some front to back and top to bottom depth but not as much as Id like. I dont want to tear down and start fresh again as this took me 3 hours last night. I would however like some tips and pointers on ways to tweak it and get some better depth. Thanks in advance and if you need any more info let me know-Greg