Here is my aquascape over time. It changed several times over the years and now, I have had my current scape for the last year and finally achieved to what I believe is natural looking reef. My inspiration for my final aquascape were my dives in Curacao and Aruba, rock walls with outcrops and tables.
Here is a pic of my first scape.....I liked it but it just wasn't functional...two piles of rocks.
As you can also see as a newbie, I was suffering with a lot of issues.
I moved the tank into my current residence and gave it a bit of a fresh start. Again, two piles of rocks however with more caves.
I liked the above scape and had it for a considerable amount of time however my new coral additions made the rock pile unstable and I started to collapse repeatedly in different areas. Numerous attempts to fix it failed as I was only stacking rocks.
My goal for my new scape was for it to be solid, unique, and natural looking. I sourced out korallenwelt reef ceramic rock to redo my aquascape and made a clear plan. I wanted a reef wall on the back of the glass, a pile to the left that I wanted to grow monti plates, an sps tower in the center, caves and a table.
I first replaced the right hand stack of rocks that collapsed.
I than prepped the rest of the backwall, cutting it with a handsaw for a seamless fit. I was actually surprised that a hand saw was able to cut it, it was garbage after but I took my time not to ruin anything.
Everything all in, gives a bit of an idea of the initial structure. This was completed Feb 2012. All pieces were expoxyed in and the creases between panels were also filled with the two part reef epoxy. To secure the structure I used the "sandwhci method" which is superglue (I prefer gorilla glue), two part epoxy, superglue. All structures are solid and nothing has fallen over or collapsed.
I filled in some of the structures harsh edges with zoanthid colonies. Here are two shots from January 2013.
Here is the most recent shot....about two weeks ago. I am really happy with the progression and hope you like the aquascape. Pictures don't do the structures and depth justice.
Sorry for the bad photos, all taken with iphone 4 or 5 (depending on photo age)