Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

What do you guys think of my aqua scape? Just getting started so not much corals yet..


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Just got some dry rock today, including one huge chunk.

He's my first try. Tried to disguise the corner overflow a little. I still need 10 to 20 pounds of rock in the display but this is the general idea.


  • uploadfromtaptalk1370812472380.jpg
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Here is a front shot:

Nice - looks very good! I do have a couple questions: What size is the tank and what kind of powerheads are those? Also, whats the stringy stuff on your back wall? What is the coral that's on the bottom front & center - it looks like a pefect mushroom. Lastly, what is the yellow thing on the right side?
Just got some dry rock today, including one huge chunk.

He's my first try. Tried to disguise the corner overflow a little. I still need 10 to 20 pounds of rock in the display but this is the general idea.

I personally might take the three pieces on the right and go bigger to smaller (from the left to right). Probably add another size piece in between the three right pieces as well. Take it and go from the right-center over. It may not be the look youre looking for as i have a difficult time with geometric/spacial/shape/building ANYTHING and i sure dont have a creative bone in my body but just figured i would share what i saw as i felt this was a nice simplistic scape which i enjoy. I might also turn the left piece just a tad and idk how much i would rely on that pebble to support that big rock when you get snails in there...especially if you go with turbos. Just another thought. I def like what youre working with and wish i had realized the way that scaping really makes the tank before i just threw all my rock in. Mine looks super sucky! Take a look about 10 posts back if you dont mind!
I already tweaked it half a dozen time. I turned the right rock so it makes a shelf and a cave instead of a chair. I pulled the tall left piece away from the back wall and rotated it about 10* counter clockwise. Once I'm happy with it everything gets epoxy and pvc footings.
Here are a few shots of my humble attempt to incorporate lessons learned into the scape of our new 187.




Critiques welcome.
Nice - looks very good! I do have a couple questions: What size is the tank and what kind of powerheads are those? Also, whats the stringy stuff on your back wall? What is the coral that's on the bottom front & center - it looks like a pefect mushroom. Lastly, what is the yellow thing on the right side?

Thnx, the tank is a 270L (about 72 gallons) cube with 65cm side length. The powerhead that's left in the picture is a 6095 Tunze which is supported by a 6045 Tunze.
The brown stuff on the back wall are algeas that showed up after the moving when everything got a bit mixed up. Hope they disappear soon again.
The coral in the middle is a brain coral. I really hope, that I can grow it into that dome shape that you see in the wild sometimes. It was completely flat when I got it.
The yellow coral in the picture is in reality orange and a plate coral :-) the colors are a bit off, it's a phone picture.
I decided to try to go a bit more minimal. I have a 24" X 24" X 26" cube so I am a bit limited on how to arrange the rock. I removed 25 lbs of rock and redid my rock and corals. It was a bit tricky to keep enough space for the corals. Suggestions are welcome.


Front view

Close up Front:

View from Right:

View from Left: (not the best picture but you get the idea)

Suggestions anyone?
I decided to try to go a bit more minimal. I have a 24" X 24" X 26" cube so I am a bit limited on how to arrange the rock. I removed 25 lbs of rock and redid my rock and corals. It was a bit tricky to keep enough space for the corals. Suggestions are welcome.


Front view

Close up Front:

View from Right:

View from Left: (not the best picture but you get the idea)

Suggestions anyone?

Looks great! I have no suggestions!