Looks good from the side but could you take a front shot?
Here is a front shot:
Just got some dry rock today, including one huge chunk.
He's my first try. Tried to disguise the corner overflow a little. I still need 10 to 20 pounds of rock in the display but this is the general idea.
Take 2
Nice - looks very good! I do have a couple questions: What size is the tank and what kind of powerheads are those? Also, whats the stringy stuff on your back wall? What is the coral that's on the bottom front & center - it looks like a pefect mushroom. Lastly, what is the yellow thing on the right side?
I decided to try to go a bit more minimal. I have a 24" X 24" X 26" cube so I am a bit limited on how to arrange the rock. I removed 25 lbs of rock and redid my rock and corals. It was a bit tricky to keep enough space for the corals. Suggestions are welcome.
Front view
Close up Front:
View from Right:
View from Left: (not the best picture but you get the idea)
Suggestions anyone?
Looks great! I have no suggestions!