Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes



I need help, this things looks boring and I need help making it look respectable. I know the cords are in the way, but I'm talking about the rocks and tank in general.


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I need help, this things looks boring and I need help making it look respectable. I know the cords are in the way, but I'm talking about the rocks and tank in general.

Think two structures "off set" in your tank. Mentally divide the tank into 8 parts and put one structure's center at point 5 and the second structure's center at point 3. Then think vertically, and make one structure rise up 5 of the 8 points in height and the other 3 points. Set the structures at a slight or even not so slight angle in the tank so they are not square to the sides. Finally, get everything else off the sand...I know its hard but have your sand clear. For the finer points I would recommend going back and re-reading the first posts of the OP, they are wonderful. :D


Thanks for the info, excuse the poor diagrams but I think the below is what you mean. I'm in bed on my Ipad because its 12:30 at night here.


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I read this thread many times but still don't seem to be able to pull off an "amazing" aquascape.

Opinions on my 180


I like everything but the left side. There are a few bubble tips that are moving around on the rocks they look pretty bare in this picture. The shadowing on the right is not as bad as the picture indicates. I have many zoo frags on the far right and the actual shaded spots on that island have dendros on them, eventually I'll get some more maybe some sun corals ect. sps frags on top.

Tank is pretty bare but most of the rocks do have a coral or 2 encrusted to them so there is only so many ways it can go. Lots of them have various sponges so I couldn't have them out of the water long when I aquascaped.
This is my 210 gallon aquarium. I spent a few days trying different ideas but I wanted my scape to reach the top of the tank and have plenty of archways.


This is my 210 gallon aquarium. I spent a few days trying different ideas but I wanted my scape to reach the top of the tank and have plenty of archways.


I think what limits great aquascaping is not having enough physical depth; most great aquascapes I've seen are in aquariums with great depth. Like Steve Weast's tank.

Hence an aquarium like 48x30x20 is great for aquascaping.
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Here's my scape. It looks off to me and I have no idea why.

You are not aquascaping with the "golden means," i.e. a 5::3 ratio vertically and horizontally. It is logical to balance equally but not aesthetically pleasing. Take a look at the first couple of posts.