Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

You are not aquascaping with the "golden means," i.e. a 5::3 ratio vertically and horizontally. It is logical to balance equally but not aesthetically pleasing. Take a look at the first couple of posts.
Thank you. In my quest to try and portray depth, I forgot about that vertical - horizontal balance.
lets see the final result.

Maybe someone will find sharing my little project usefull.

The idea is to only work with one pilar on a PVC Foam board. Materials used Fiji rock dead, PVC Foam, Tie-rips, Epoxy, Speedglue and Keramikkleber.










Almost done...
Worked up a layout at the LFS yesterday while picking out my rock. This is going into a 40B tank. I'm liking it so far, but definitely open to suggestions.


Just a tip that I learned from planted tank aquascaping; which I believe reefers can learn a lot from since they have a stronger emphasis on that with the arrival of NA and Takashi Amano is that you should slope the substrate around the hardscape and towards the back to add visual appeal.

So Goldmund, I believe yours would benefit a lot from that. Especially with such strong hardscape.

Go to 4:30; see how the substrate adds to the visual impact?
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Looking to make some rock. It with be for a tank 30 x 20 x 20". This is my design so far. Please feel free to comment. Thanks!

Looking good shaggss! How big is that?

Well I need to think very carefully about its dimensions. The tank is 30 x 20 x 20". However it will be placed in front of the overflow on the left hand side. So the most room front to back of the tank would be 15".

So, I am thinking its width would be 12". Length from left to right 15 - 16" (I think I will make the arm on the right slightly longer).

And it's height about 13 - 14".

Looking for some comments about these proportions.

I think also I will need to add a small island type structure on the right of the aquarium and further to the back.

Thoughts anyone please?