Nice, I like it. Are you using epoxy to hold it together?
Not for the most part. I got them to fit into each other. I did epoxy 1 shelve in between some rocks.
Nice, I like it. Are you using epoxy to hold it together?
Thank you. In my quest to try and portray depth, I forgot about that vertical - horizontal balance.You are not aquascaping with the "golden means," i.e. a 5::3 ratio vertically and horizontally. It is logical to balance equally but not aesthetically pleasing. Take a look at the first couple of posts.
Maybe someone will find sharing my little project usefull.
The idea is to only work with one pilar on a PVC Foam board. Materials used Fiji rock dead, PVC Foam, Tie-rips, Epoxy, Speedglue and Keramikkleber.
Almost done...
I like that sharkman999.:thumbsup:
Thanks, getting there.
Had 4hrs changing my rock work today. Corals and fish are sulking, so will post pics tomorrow
Looks good!
Worked up a layout at the LFS yesterday while picking out my rock. This is going into a 40B tank. I'm liking it so far, but definitely open to suggestions.
Looking good shaggss! How big is that?