Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

That was one of my 2 favorite scapes too but I don't know how he was able to counterbalance that so nicely to be able to have it stick way out on one side. I was too nervous to have it topple over or a piece break off one day and crack the glass.

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It creates dead spots in the sand and pockets of debris/junk that eventually causes a hydrogen sulfide buildup in the pockets created by the egg crate.

Thanks, that makes sense. I thought I remember reading in the new tank sticky to use the crate but I'll forgo putting it down.
What Do you Think ?
First Photo July 2016
second one February 2017

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A lot of good stuff here, I'll be doing mine soon. Rock is getting a LC soak ATM.
I'm afraid my OCD is getting the best of me on the scape though, LOL. I can tell which way the coral/rock was oriented in the sea and I'm trying to get all the right sides up. Glad to know that with some targeted coral frags it won't matter as much. But, Will totally covering the rockscape in encrusting corals cut down on filtration flow-through? And I'll look at some other options to the Egg-crate. What about the Closed-cell PVC matting like between the tank bottom and stand? At least on the pressure-points? Will it trap crap or deteriorate in saltwater? Or do any good at all? Also considering sutcion cups with rods like the old childhood dartguns? Hmmmm.
My 240g aquascape

From left to right:


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Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Can I play? I'll read back over this when I can but wanted some advice.
Existing tank is 4 foot long, 24" high, and 18" deep. New tank is 6 foot long, 31" high, and 18" deep. Everything from the 75g will eventually be the top layer of the scape in the new tank. Since I have so many corals encrusted, it makes sense to just put the over a new base. I have the new, used rock cycling now.
I want height, and I assume I don't want anything touching the back wall for circulation reasons? Are Acrylic rods gonna be my best friend?
There is some really beautiful aquascapes on here. I'm so glad to see that even after years, my article is still helping the reefing community. =-) Keep up all the wonderful work!
There is some really beautiful aquascapes on here. I'm so glad to see that even after years, my article is still helping the reefing community. =-) Keep up all the wonderful work!

Thank you!
I learnt a lot from your article!
What you think about my scale, few post above?

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