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One other thought.. If you were to get the 6105's... A 7096 is over $100... An Apex base unit is $275. You could get an Apex Base unit (no EB8, no display, no probes) and a Tunze cable and use that to control your Tunze's.. You are probably scratching your head at this point.. The upside to the Apex to control them is that you can have dozens of flow profiles. Waves, flush cycles, calmer periods during the day, surges, calm at night etc. I have several different flow profiles that rotate throughout the day giving me periods of chaos, surges, calm, flush cycles to stir up and suspend detritus and send it into my overflow along with calm at night. You have so much more control over the Tunze's (and other pumps) which you won't find with a standalone pump cotrnoller. That the additional cost has it's upsides. Then once you get your feet wet, you might find yourself wanting to expand you control and monitoring at which point you get a display, an EB8 and a temp probe, pH etc. Just food for thought.. You can probably get two 6105's and a brand new Apex base unit for less than you might expect. That link mentioned above for the 6105's might be worth following up on as I suspect it will be a great deal that would afford you a pair of 6105s plus an Abex base unit for what you might pay for two newer pumps..