Tonga Rock Ban?

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13001195#post13001195 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GTR
Looking past the accusations, is there any truth to the halt of rock exports?


yes and no I think. My lfs hasn't seen any halt. Same with the Aussie halt 1-2 months ago... he kept getting shipments.
There are (or were) 4 permitees for live rock shipping from Tonga.
As I understand it, it is all being closed. I too heard stories of an abusive or destructive collection incident having precipitated the closure. Corals and fish will still be available we believe. I believe
Tonga is currently considered in CITES compliance as required by U.S. F. & W.. I can't wait to hear the stories of what Walt did,
after they've circulated around the country a few dozen times! :)
go net go
I think a lot of this is just speculation at this point, so continuing to drag people's names through the mud is senseless. Until we see a report from a credible news source, I think it is all conjecture at this point.
I apologize if my post was taken as mud slinging at a given person. It was certainly only meant to make light of repeating stories with names attached we don't know to be true. I had hoped it made Walt chuckle.

My sources for the well known Aug 4 tenative closure date, and the egregious collecting incident are Rick and Larry IN Tonga. This is not heresay. I do not know the particulars of the collecting incident, maybe Walt can illuminate for us. I do not know what happened at the meeting, again, maybe Walt can shed some light. Before and after the meeting all everyone seemed to know IN Tonga was that live rock was closing August 4. I did not mean for people to think I was associating Walt with anything excpet how silly stories can get when told around the room.


birdfish, I didn't take your post as mud slinging. I saw the sarcasm in the post.
From what I heard, Walt was using toddlers to collect the rock. Then the rock was transported in carts that were pulled by baby seals and puppies.
OK folks, I think the thread has definitely taken a turn for the ridiculous. Time to move on.
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