Torch coral problem

Dawn II

Premium Member
I bought a branching neon torch last Thurs. (I, of course, didn't qt it). Everything was fine until yesterday afternoon when I saw some gunk on one of the branches. On brushing it off, I found the one branch suddenly totally bleached! I assume this is "brown jelly infection." Early this morn., I found the next branch to be totally gone and bleached too- this happened overnight, as it was extended before the lights went off, and now is totally bleached. I plan to do a Seachem Coral dip- then place in qt. Any other suggestions or feedback?
Thank you, Dawn ]
I don't know how that link got there???
I fragged off 3 of the 6 heads- the third looked like it had some jelly gunk on it. How soon will I know if it's spresd to the rest of the tank? Thanks, Dawn
It will spread pretty fast, and an Iodine dip may, or most likely won't do any good. The coral was damaged or hurt, then attacked by protozoans and bacteria (most likely). To have bleached so fast, it was in bad shape when you bought it.
It (the brown jelly) won't spread to the rest of the tank. However, it does seem to love Euphyllia sp. like your torch

It was well extended for a week and looked great until the sudden demise. I cut off (3) heads, and saved the (3) good ones- so far, so good.
This morning it still looks really good- so I will put it back in the reef. I'm glad I had Borneman's book- as I did the dip and pruning per his ideas on this infection. On one of the other forums someone told me they had dropped some salt on their's, and this had happened. Thinking back- that day I was cleaning, and some pieces of encrusted salt accidently dropped (I think in that area) and may have injured it. Sometimes we never know why things happen...