Tracing the "Blue Slimer"


New member
At my clubs last frag auction I picked up a few new corals. One of them was named the "Blue Slimer". The owner, RC member, Coralfreak was unsure of the ID and didn't remember who he got it from. It was a RC member. I was trying to track down more info on it and had not seen it around and sort of gave up on it until SunnyX got tank of the month and low and behold he got a blue slimer smack dab in the middle of his reef.

So here my little frag

Here is Coralfreak's colony

I was wondering if anyone esle had one of these, had pics to share, and had suggested lighting and flow levels?
I have a blue slimer in my tank, got it from badbones, I also have a blue tip purple slimer, that I can't remember where it came from.
Kip yours looks like a yongei, my ID was always questionable. If anyone noticed there is a green slimer sitting next to mine on the frag rack. I am not even sure my "blue slimer" is even a A. yongei.
So is the "Blue slimer" a reconized named blood line or is it really more of a name just stuck on it. There are some common names that mean something like when it you say a coral is a green slimer, blue tort, etc... people know what your taking about.

Is the blue slimer one of those?
Acropora Formosa is the slimer. Don't know why people are misnaming the acropora yongei as the slimers.