Treatment of a sick Glue Gigantea


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12 days ago, I got a small Blue Gigantea from a friend. He had the Gigantea for several weeks and it was doing well. He decided to concentrate on Magnifica instead and so he sends this Gigantea to me. Taken it from the rock, the foot was injured. My friend observed the Gigantea for a few days until it totally healed and then send the anemone to me.

On arrival (7/10/2019), he did not look well. I placed him in my office tank. He attached initially but let go overnight and the next morning was tumbling on the sand. Fortunately, the tank circulation decreased at night per the nigh protocol so he did not get chewed up by the PH. I took him out and bring him home for treatment (7/11/2019) with Ciprofloxacin.

Below are pictures of the anemone before, during and after treatment. He is doing well now but is denuded of tentacles. Only about 1/3 of the oral plate is covered with tentacle, the rest is denuded and void of tentacles. He is doing well at this time. Even in this poor shape, he started to sow the color of an nice Gigantea he have the potential to be. I hope I will be able to save him and bring him to his full glories

Arrival all deflated

A little bit more inflated but not doing well

In treatment tank. I used a cut to trap him in place so he wont float all over the place

Attached to bottom in hospital tank. I wish he attached to the cup but happy that he attached at all.

A few days after treatment initiated

After 10 days of treatment, about 2.5 gram of Cipro and almost 200 gal of water. That is the whole box of Instant Ocean and RO water, the anemone does not deflated anymore and hold his shape. He lost about 3/4 of hi stentacles. I am going out of town and not able to change the water daily or twice a day anymore for a few days, so I took him out and put him into my sump/refugium.
Last day of treatment, right before I use a razor blade to remove him from the bottom of the tank

1st day in the refugium. I pile rocks around and on him to get him to attach.

2nd day in the refugium. He already regain the color of the tentacles. I think he will be a beauty/special anemone, if I get him to live. I fed him a piece of salmon today and he ate it.


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You always get some really nice nems, congrats! Looks way better already a complete 180. I'm sure in your care he'll be 100% in no time.
Picture this AM when I manually turn on the light early. I think he looks better, a few new bumps, early tentacles forming, and the mouth is close. Tentacles are longer.


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Feed him after work today. He is eating like a champ. Eating like this, he will be healed and healthy in no time.

Help him a bit by placing the salmon right next to his mouth. 2 pieces.



Gone, sorta

Really gone, done.
Picture Friday. A lot of new tentacles forming.


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A lot of new tentacles are forming from Friday PM to Sunday. The last picture above is different in orientation and level of contraction and not easy to compare. The picture before that is essentially same orientation and level of opening. Tentacles can be seen, larger and more numerous.
I think his baldness will grow out in no time. If he live, and I think he will, he will be the absolute sickest anemone that I got to recovered. Took me 10 days with 200 gal box of Instant Ocean and quite a bit of work. I am really happy about this anemone, and think that he will be quite a special anemone. Looks like one with both blue and green in coloration.
Looking good buddy! I have another olive green gig ready to go if you want to trade for a magnifica.
I got my Blue Gigantea into my QT system where I can easily feed him. He recovered a lot and got most of his tentacles regrowth. The denuded area still have shorter tentacles as compare to other area, but otherwise doing great. He eats well.
Amazing. I would have never dreamed such a sick anemone could recover!

In my experience, S. gigantea and S. haddoni respond extremely well to Cipro treatment and the recovery rate is near 100% if treatment is started without much delay after the anemone starts deflating.
Unfortunately that is not the case with all host anemones. So far I have not been able to rescue a single H. crispa once it showed signs of being sick.
he is doing great. All recovered and in my DT. I test you a picture but it is too large to attach here
Here is a picture of my Blue Gigantea as he is recovering. He is essentially normal growing in my DT. Taken picture in there is not easy since he is so small.


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