Tunze 3162 and 3163


SPS Killer
I realize the difference is that 3162 comes with a pump and the 3163 is a powerhead.

I've ordered the 3163 but I'm thinking about changing my order to the 3162. Will the 3163 act just like the 3162 if I throw in a standard pump like a Cobalt MJ1200 in there or whatever pump will fit?

I'm mostly concerned about maintaining flow through rates through the media (Phosguard and matrix carbon) that I plan to keep in there.

You wouldn't be able to fit another pump in the 3163, the way it is designed only the stock pump would fit. Here is how I would break it down.

3163 is best suited to a small nano, something like a 15-25 where the included pump could meet the tanks flow needs as well. It could work on a bigger tank but additional pumps would be needed and where it really shines is trying to conserve space in smaller tanks, flow, filter, heater, top off, all in one box.

3162 is best suited for bigger tanks, you have the room for flow pumps and need more flow and the pump is higher pressure and not as easily jammed by too much media. With that said, neither of these should be packed heavily, if the media is finer like the Seachem medias you listed, I would use just a 1/4 cup or so and change them often, 1/2 cup at most. If the media compacts or too much is used the filter will produce bubbles.

The best way to view these filters is the modern equivalent of the old box filters people used from to 50-70s, they ran on a basic airlift and the floss and carbon were packed very lightly, or else the filter could not work. Both use small pumps that will cavitate and produce bubbles if overloaded, the biggest misconception is that the included floss is 1 or 2 fills, it is more like 10-12, fluff it very loosely, use the included bag with 1 cup of coarser media or 1/2 cup of finer media and that is all.
Hmm thanks. I got one of these as a stand in for something like the old Current USA internal filters.

A giant skimmer has killed sump space and I didn't really like the flow through rate in the sump channels. I think half a cup should probably be fine. I don't like using too much carbon anyway.
Sorry to hijack but I ordered a 3162 for my QT tank to use instead of HOB filter. Will this filter be able to handle a fairly large bioload on a 55 gallon QT tank? I ask because I have not seen how big the filter media is yet. I typically keep a spare media in my sump and then I can set up the qt tank whenever I get a new fish.
While it is usually used as mechanical/chemical filter, with some floss, carbon or phosphate remover. You could use it with a coarser bio media for a hospital tank type set up. For the most part a reefs bioload is handled by the bacteria colonies in the live rock and sand. It could handle a tank of this size when used with the right media (coarse biomedia) and properly matured.
My 3163 came in, pretty happy with it. I'm using filter floss, matrix carbon, and phosguard on mine.

Only thing I don't like is that the magnets are fairly weak for a 1/2" thick glass tank. It's probably fine for thinner tanks.

I wish Tunze offered a hang clip for it like they do some of their skimmers.
You can get a stronger magnet, you would just replace the outside pair with half of 6025.500, since you need 2 this would be the best value. It will add another 1/4" to the holding power.
Thanks! Sounds good.

This thing is great. I have 2 MP40 wes in the 75 gallon tank it went into so perhaps the 3162 would have been a better option but I'm happy with the performance. I'm using extra fluffy bonded floss and about half a cup, so far, so good.

I usually replace media every 2 months but I replace floss every week and I reseat the media every week as well to get more even use.

This thing is great though, it's a much better solution than the extremely splash noisy Aquaclear in my sump that I use to run media. I'm going to have one in every tank.
Just wanted to come back and say this has really worked out well for me.

The easy open top makes changing filter floss every few days a breeze.


hi there,

just found this old thread and wanted to ask what media you all use in the 3163 and what order you put it in,

man thanks

I would use the coarse blue foam pad, a loose fist sized wadding piece, preferably the Macro wadding which is coarser and about 1/2-3/4 cup of coarse grain carbon
hi many thanks

what order would you put them in? say starting bottom to top?

at the moment i have live rock, blue foam and wadding, but wanted to put carbon in it, so I'm glad i can :-)) should i remove the rock?
I would have the blue foam on the bottom, any carbon or granular media and the floss on top. I don't really see a point to having live rock in the filter, it wouldn't hold enough to do much compared to what is in the tank.
Hi !

Can i replace in the 3163 the 6015 pump to the 6055 ?

I will use the 6055 at 20V - 65-70 % , maybe at thunderstorm 100 %. It will work, or too much flow for the filter ?
It is too much flow for the filter, you could use 6055 but at only 12 or maybe 15V.

Hello! I'm sorry to dig out this thread again but it's super interesting to me. The way you explained the difference between the 3162 and the 3163 above very much applies to my usecase. That being said I would like a little bit more flow.

So if I would replace the powerhead with the 6055, how would the filter fail specifically?

I basically just want to run carbon with it and tug away my heater and ATO sensor. Maybe a sponge or floss as a little pre filter too.

Thanks in advance and kind regards
The box would be starved for water and produce a great deal of bubbles, it may be possible if you packed it loosely and submerged it completely, but at the normal installation depth the pump out rate would exceed the intake capacity and as the media clogs, cavitation will be an issue. For comparison the 6208 Wavebox is basically the same box with a 6095 and the pump can empty the filter box in a bit over a second at the normal operation depth.