Tunze 6060a not working


New member
I recently removed from Tunze 6060a from my tank to give it a vinegar bath. I removed the shroud and let it soak for about 6 hours. I rinsed it off, put the shoud back on, and put it back in my tank. It had a little trouble starting, then I noticed that the impeller was off. I put the impeller back on, and it came off again.

I am not that familiar with Tunzes. Is there something wrong with my pump? Am I doing something wrong?

Please advise.

thanks for your quick response.
the screw that holds the impeller in is there

let me clarify; the impeller assembly comes off when I plug in the Tunze, not just the impeller, but the whole assembly
Probably the shaft is seperating from the magnet, the brake shoes are likely the culprit, if it is the original drive unit and the pump is a a few years old it may just be time to replace the drive unit.
It is part 6080.600, they cost about $32, you can order one on Tunze.com. You will need to save the actual propeller blade as that is a seperate part and not included.
Thanks Roger!

This has been the most helpful forum I have ever been on. I wrote in with a problem, the answer and solution were provided very quickly.

I will continue to buy and support Tunze products in the future, thanks to their great products and support.

Thanks again for all the help and support