tunze 6212 really noisy, any advice?


New member
So I bought a 6212 for my 120g reeftank. I have experience with a 6206 so the 6212 was easy to setup and dial in but it is noisy. Everytime it pushes water out of the wavebox it makes this loud slurping noise. Is this normal or should the 6212 run quiet?
It should be quiet. I am having trouble figuring out how it could make the noise. Is the box top out of the water for the entire wave cycle?
I think it just needs some fine tuning lower the box as it may be just a little to far out of the water. This will be the case if the slurping noise is from air mixing with water on the pump start (pushing water out).

It will make a sort of breathing noise as air comes in but as Graeme said, a slurping noise likely means the pulse is too long or the box is not set deep enough and the pump is taking in air as a result, if you see some bubbles exit the box, this is certainly it.
No bubbles coming out of the box at all. The water line is set exactly at the line marked on the wavebox. Can I go below that line? If I do water might actually go over the top and into it from the wave created. Thanks in advance.

It will make a sort of breathing noise as air comes in but as Graeme said, a slurping noise likely means the pulse is too long or the box is not set deep enough and the pump is taking in air as a result, if you see some bubbles exit the box, this is certainly it.
On the 6212 there are two threaded holes in the back, what you may be hearing is water rushing into these two holes which should have screws in them which either secure the magnet holder or rails. This will have a sound similar to peeing. The only noise you should hear is some pump hum and a sort of darth vader breathing noise but neither should be that loud or annoying.
The screws are both securely fastened in the two holes in the back. I guess its just the noise it makes. On another note I have a 6055 hooked up to a 7095. Whenever I put it on setting 1 where the pumps turn on and off the pump always ticks when it turns on. Is that normal too?
I was also curious if there are any pumps that don't make any noise? I really didn't do my homework when I bought all these pumps, I just assumed I would be happy since it had the tunze name. What I am looking for in my tank is a wave, and then some pumps for circulation. I have a 120g reeftank. Any suggestions.
For the 6055, this depends on production date, pumps made since October should be extremely silent and this change is retrofittable to older pumps. They have progressively gotten quieter with minor design changes and now make virtually no noise on start up due to the new 6055.740 disk.

For the wavebox, without seeing it I am grasping at straws. No wave or surge device will ever be silent, splashing water and emptying and filling any sort of container will always make some noise and there is no way around this, I would need to know more about the noise to determine if it is normal or not, 6212 is an older model, they were made from 2004-2009 and there were two models of pump used with 3 versions of drive unit, so there are too many variables without having it here to examine and test or at least seeing some photos of the pump and having some sort of audio file of the noise.