Definately, a good point. I am sure that its more like 12 1/2 6 dozen of the other kinda thing here. I have two seio's so obviously there is a definate appeal there. I just personally now after being more immersed in the hobby want a Tunze Stream or a few of them. I prefer their reliability and perfomance to cost ratio. Just my opinion, I could be way off, but I have a Tunze 9015 skimmer and its astounding the difference between that and let's say the cheap 100 buck coralife needwheel I had.(the 120 model) I just think from experience in this hobby that when you buy less quality products you get what you pay for nothing more nothing less. there are no "deals." in this hobby as it were unless you buy used. So my real opinion here Dvanacker, is that buying a used tunze might be much better, or a lower end model like the 6060. That's what I'm doing, did. Good luck to you, and Rich no harm no foul