Tunze Streams In A 55g??

Well I think Im going tunze..... Im not sure what product(s) just yet.

Curious though but would 2 6000's on a multicontroller be good for a 120 or would most people up them to 6100 at that point. This is an SPS tank with some LPS and clams near the bottom.


The controller doesnt have as many modes as the Tunze, but it isnt going to cost you $1000 for a setup either.

Last I checked 2 stream 6000's and a multicontroller are under 600 (edit 800 bucks), and push a lot more water then 2 1100, and although you can buy many Seios for 600, you will in time pay much more on electricity bills as the Tunze consume less power, and produce a much more dispursed flow (hence stream) The Seio's flow, having a few of them is dispursed but doesnt push the amount of water the Tunzes do. If your talking about a 4 pole electric motor, I would think that maybe the reason for the high power consumption, I mentioned above.
I ran slot cars for years, and know a decent amount on electric motors.

Again, incorrect. The seio controller uses the 4 pole AC motors that the seios have (most PHs have 2 pole motors) and ramps them up and down in speed. They DO NOT shut on and off.

I was unde rthe impression you could control the speed of the propeller via the multicontroller, not just ramping them up and down. You can actually adjust the amount of the water moved. Maybe I am wrong here about the product but,

Tunze said on their site about some of the controller modes,
The photo-electric cells can be used to lower the pumping power during the night. Like in a reef, small animals and plankton can rise in the aquarium to take the habitat of diurnal animals.

Again Incorrect
I wasn't wrong about anything, just a difference of opinion, Dick.

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2 6000's and multicontoller for under 600....I wish. Its 740....and the price doesnt change much from place to place.

Anyway is 2 x 6000 w/ mulitcontoller good for a 120 or would I need 6100's


Dvanacker, when I looked the 6000was that cheap, but this was a few months ago, at premium aqautics, perhaps the cost has gone up.

Well that is high, then again I buy a lot used.

Name calling??

Name calling??

Lunch, I meant no harm, but...

Richard Nixon aka Dick
Tricky Dicky

Dick is short for Richard in colloquial references, now what I meant by it, well, i'll leave that to interpretation.

Ditch, when I said incorrect, I was referring to you saying that the only way to vary the SEIO speed was to turn them on and off. I wasnt saying anything about the TUNZE. You CAN vary the speed of the SEIOs with the controller. (tunze can also vary their speed, but I wasnt talking about that)

As to electricity, Its like looking at Red Dragon Vs a Sequence...yeah, theyre more efficient, but not enough to offset the cost in the first 7 or 8 years.


Definately, a good point. I am sure that its more like 12 1/2 6 dozen of the other kinda thing here. I have two seio's so obviously there is a definate appeal there. I just personally now after being more immersed in the hobby want a Tunze Stream or a few of them. I prefer their reliability and perfomance to cost ratio. Just my opinion, I could be way off, but I have a Tunze 9015 skimmer and its astounding the difference between that and let's say the cheap 100 buck coralife needwheel I had.(the 120 model) I just think from experience in this hobby that when you buy less quality products you get what you pay for nothing more nothing less. there are no "deals." in this hobby as it were unless you buy used. So my real opinion here Dvanacker, is that buying a used tunze might be much better, or a lower end model like the 6060. That's what I'm doing, did. Good luck to you, and Rich no harm no foul

Just ordered my TUNZE. Im getting just one 6000 and the 7095 multicontroller.....I'll still use my seio 820 with it.

Then when I do upgrage to my 120g I will just upgrade my 6000 to a 6100 and buy another 6100.