update on 90 reef...


Premium Member
Got some nice Tonga liverock transhipped to PBI airport last week.
It's cooking in the garage as we speak. I would like to give kudos to my wife. My entire house smelled like a septic tank for 3 days!! :)
She didn't even complain once!

Here are a few pics. There is a nice mixture of large, med. and branch peices..


my skimmer is still freaking out...



very nice
good test run for the skimmer!
FYI they get numb after a while- that is the wife.LOL
Very nice rock. It's nice to see someone get some transhipped rock and cure it themselves. Ya don't see that often around here, usually just get rock from someone else's tank that was from someone else's tank, and so on. You lose a lot of life over the years... I love the critters and other stuff on those rocks!

I hope you put some heaters in that tub too. It looks like it's sitting on the cold concrete floor, and that would conduct a lot of heat away from the tub.

Welcome to the area and club again!
Thanks....I agree on the transhipping. I wanted to start 100% fresh. I am hesitatnt to put someone elses rock in a fresh start up. You just never know..PLUS, this stuff is CRAWLING with critters!
And There is a heater in there holding it steady at 78.
By the way...when I am done with the tub...WILL TRADE IT FOR FRAGS!! :)
well. I bought it from an online vendor. I am not sure if I am allowed to list it on here???? I guess for now, I will say it was $3.85 per pound. And, I ended up paying $77.00 for freight (southwest air cargo) from lax. So... it came to just under 5.00 per pound.
It is mixed Tonga. wich is Tonga fusion, eva, vavau'a, and uaniva...
It is the nicest rock I have ever seen!
PM me if you want the website.