I am upgrading my LED Array retrofit kit that I have been sitting around unused and wanted to string them onto to 2x LDD-700H and 2x LDD-1000H drivers. I was going to use a Meanwell SE-350-48 but I am not sure how to wire them up without burning any out.
6 Philips Luxeon ES Neutral White 3v 1000mA
2 Philips Luxeon ES Lime 3v 1000
2 Philips Luxeon ES Cyan 3v 1000
1 Philips Luxeon ES Warm White 2.5v(?) 1000 (suspect voltage)
1 Hyper Violet V3.0 415nm - 425nm 3v 700
2 Philips Luxeon ES True Cool Blue 3v 700
10 Philips Luxeon ES ROYAL BLUE 3v 700
Any Ideas appreciated. I would prefer to split them up into controllable channels if possible.
Well the first thing to consider is you only get about 45V "out" due to the err "loss" from ps to diodes.
your overall voltage needs are about 71V so if you use your above breakdown only 2 LDD's are needed, though I doubt if you want it to be that way spectrum wise but that is a personal choice.
Next you need to determine what "effects" you want to achieve..
You know like a flourescence channel, color pop channel (both flour and normal pigments.) , growth channel, daylight channel ect..
And of course spacing of colors..
From what I gathered on observing peoples preferences and trying to be a sort of jack of all trades array...
2 Philips Luxeon ES Cyan 3v 700
2 Hyper Violet V3.0 415nm - 425nm 3v 700
2 Philips Luxeon ES True Cool Blue 3v 700
2 Philips Luxeon ES ROYAL BLUE 3v 700
ATI "like" blue plus channel w/ out the green/amber spike
8 Philips Luxeon ES ROYAL BLUE 3v 700
"Pop" channel
4 Philips Luxeon ES Neutral White 3v 1000mA
2 Philips Luxeon ES Lime 3v 1000
2 Philips Luxeon ES Warm White 2.5v(?) 1000 (suspect voltage)
approx 4000K channel
One of an infinite combination well not infinite but you get the idea
Only 3 drivers needed..
Since I have this anal need to make numbers equal..8 per channel..
Now "1" of anything doesn't help on a full tank spread much sooo keep that in mind..You need to consider style i.e puck type arrangements or linear and tank dimensions..but this is sort of a start..
your driver wattage will depend on ho cool you can keep the diodes and how much output you need..balancing act really.
Now you mentioned "upgrading" so are you adding or replacing?
note: I will be adjusting these periodically.