Use PWM to control your Jebao DCT pump using brushless motor controller from ebay

electronic brake simply applies high/low power to any 2 of the 3 outputs to hold the magnet in place right?

That's one idea. Most of the time the controller supports dynamic brakes (shunt coil energy to ground) so the motor slows faster. Simply leaving the FETs in brake mode would be plenty and not consume any extra power.
I'll just run in very slow flow. That's good enough.

I'll measure the voltage on the controller power input when I get home in a couple of weeks.

On the road, so can't help much for a bit.
I installed my dct4000 pump in my sump over the weekend and it works nicely. I am using the stock controller for now.

I just ordered a cp-40 today. The price dropped to $87. That's like 1/3 the price of a gyre. I'll test the ebay controller on the cp-40 to see if it works.
What if we use the stock controller and control the power supply voltage from 12-24V with the APEX? Is it possible to do that? I have a WP40 running for a long time at 12V without any problems. I could try driving the DCS7000 pump with stock controller at 12 volts to see if it runs and how much flow it has. Will this damage the controller?
But you know, the concept of modifying the stock controller is intriguing.

Can't we access the 0-5V speed pin on the controller chip and disconnect the button controlled signal???

I think there are two controllers- a simple one for managing the buttons and feed input and converting it to a DC level signal. The power controller takes that signal and drives the phases through the expensive FETs...

Why waste all that? Just connect the APEX 0-5V onto the pin.
There is no 0-5v input on the stock controller chip.

you can probably build something to press the buttons for you.
the label is wiped out. it's probably a motor controller chip that can accept additional firmware program.

it's even possible it is not a motor controller chip at all but just an mcu.
Use PWM to control your Jebao DCT pump using brushless motor controller from ebay


Excuse my probe lead wires. SW3 and SW2 is all you'd need. You can either use a FET across the button, or just feed 0/5V to the controller pin.

Note that the LEDs are multiplexed, so if you wanted to confirm the pump status you'd need to filter that out (Q14 and Q15) in firmware.
That's viable, but the idea was to achieve greater granularity by using a 0-5V signal directly from an Apex V output divided.

To recreate button pushes that emulate the desired Apex voltage would need a tiny arduino.
There is only one, U3 is the controller. U2 is LM339, you can see the chip marking if you shine a light on the chip at an angle.

From what I remember when I traced the signals, each of the 11 LEDs connect to the mcu. 3 switch, 6 motor driver, 3 bemf, 1 current sensor, 1 voltage detector, +5, gnd. that's 27 pins. I can't remember what the last pin connects to.

So in order to get the same functionality (or to use the same size board), the replacement mcu must have at least 26 IO lines. Plus a pwm and a direction pin, that's 28 IO lines, more if you want more functionalities. So an atmega328 will not work as replacement. But if you want no frills simple controller that is controllable by pwm, then atmega328 will work just fine. I plan to build a no frills one for starters.
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Use PWM to control your Jebao DCT pump using brushless motor controller from ebay

U2 is a comparator (need to check the part number) used for the sensing.

I'm mostly thinking U3 is an MCU due to:

The five 0.1" pads next to the chip smell like a programming header.

Q6/Q7/Q8 are part of the main FET driver circuitry. A dedicated motor controller would likely have these on chip.