There is only one, U3 is the controller. U2 is LM339, you can see the chip marking if you shine a light on the chip at an angle.
From what I remember when I traced the signals, each of the 11 LEDs connect to the mcu. 3 switch, 6 motor driver, 3 bemf, 1 current sensor, 1 voltage detector, +5, gnd. that's 27 pins. I can't remember what the last pin connects to.
So in order to get the same functionality (or to use the same size board), the replacement mcu must have at least 26 IO lines. Plus a pwm and a direction pin, that's 28 IO lines, more if you want more functionalities. So an atmega328 will not work as replacement. But if you want no frills simple controller that is controllable by pwm, then atmega328 will work just fine. I plan to build a no frills one for starters.
So there's no way to big in a flow speed voltage reference ?
A cheap Arduino pro mini can probably be used on a diy controller.
if I am not mistaken, pro mini has 21 or 22 usable IO lines.
6 for motor driver
3 for bemf
1 current sense
1 voltage sense
1 pwm speed
1 direction
2 for I2C can be used for optional lcd display
2 for serial can be used for low speed esp8266 wifi
1 maybe for a buzzer for alarm
the rest for push buttons
I can get some FETs and wire this up on a breadboard and see if it will work.
If it does and is feasible, the plan is to make this controllable from any pwm and digital pin source to control speed and direction, and have a few basic built in program modes for use with crossflow and DC pump to work stand alone.
Don't forget gate drivers, especially if you're using all N-FETs. The gate charge of even the low side FETs is too large for PWM duty on an AVR.
I thought the problem with digital motor control is the processor speed. You need to line up the timing of the drive transitions against the signals being received through the same wires and you need a very fast processor to make that work?
Also, the 150W version of the board has an identical PCB. The third sense resistor is populated on the backside, and the second electrolytic cap is present. The heatsink is slightly larger. I haven't checked for any part number differences.