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The led shift register test worked fine for a day, so I think the power supply circuit is now good. I may change the circuit on next revision to use its own 7805 regulator and just feed to Arduino 5v pin. On the second board, I soldered the Arduino to the board and it is impossible to desolder without damaging anything, so my second board is now completely unusable/unrepairable.
I started testing the motor driver code on the other board, and a pair of mosfets got damaged, I think due to cold solder/bad connection. I am going to repair that next and hopefully no more circuit issues so I can focus more on software work.
I started testing the motor driver code on the other board, and a pair of mosfets got damaged, I think due to cold solder/bad connection. I am going to repair that next and hopefully no more circuit issues so I can focus more on software work.