Utter Chaos or?

Gosh I need to proof read before I submit. I made a few errors so I'm reposting this.

*****WARNING****this is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System.

I'm not the police, but I'm gonna say this loud and clear. I hate seeing threads locked whether I'm for what the threads is stating or against it, it doesn't matter. Free speech must prevail. EVERYBODY INVOLVED IN THIS THREAD NEEDS TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND PUMP THE BRAKES. If just ( ONE ) person complains to the mods about personal or private attacks, somebody is gonna get in some serious trouble here which could result in a total suspension of post privileges . The mods seldom if ever come here because we have done a great job of policing ourselves. SO IF YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY, say it with respect so you won't get in trouble. It's happened many times before. Now everybody take a deep breath, touch gloves, go back to your neutral corner, and think before you make your next post. Cause if this gets ugly, it could be your last. Posting here is not a right, it's a privilege, and one can lose that PRIVILEGE in a heartbeat.

Lets play nice and fair. Isn't that what we teach our children?

Mucho Reef
there isn't anything in the ocean that is rare, i laugh at the pricing, i dont knock it, but they will never get it from me. ive got some chalices that were wild, { like all corals once were } that were given to me, that i turn around and see the exact same one's being sold for 50-300 and eye lol the colony didnt cost that, glad i have a lfs that doesnt care about names, he knows what it cost him and what he needs to get out of it
btw the same happened to the strawberry shortcake sps people asking 75-200 a 1" frag and seen a site selling colonies for $150
Honestly I'm at the point where I just laugh at people bragging on their "LE" corals. Way to tattoo SUCKER on your forehead and fall for some marketing. Slap a name on it and suddenly it's the greatest coral under the planet but if someone had a huge colony of them pre-hype they'd get $40 for it if they were lucky. You know what's not rare? A coral that's being fragged every time it pops out a polyp and sold to the next guy on the pyramid scheme. Here's a fun idea, go back 5 years on the selling forum, you know what's missing? Fancy names, "LE", "RARE".

Look at purple deaths, nuke greens, 3 years ago they were the greatest thing since sliced bread, $50 a polyp, now they are $5 and under and you can't hardly find anyone selling them anymore. Did they become uglier over the years?
thanks to mucho "the regulator" this thread was saved LOL, for a minute this was about to get uglier then eva longoria without makeup. I agree mucho we're all supposed to be adults we can police ourselves so if you want to act like a ****ed off teenager go somewhere else!
On a softer note on my home state site i actually seen someone say "Buy now BEFORE these things get expensive" LOL people are getting slightly ret . . . i think you get it. Everyone speaks of hype and all it takes is two weeks this guy bumps them up to 50 a polyp and now hes living high on the hog. I can't wait till my purple hornets get to colony size i'm going to put all these guys out of business $6.99 a polyp just to see the death threats lol
there isn't anything in the ocean that is rare, i laugh at the pricing, i dont knock it, but they will never get it from me. ive got some chalices that were wild, { like all corals once were } that were given to me, that i turn around and see the exact same one's being sold for 50-300 and eye lol the colony didnt cost that, glad i have a lfs that doesnt care about names, he knows what it cost him and what he needs to get out of it

?????? i would think there are many things in the ocean that are rare.i know there are fish that are rare.i am shure that there are certain corals seen less often then others,and if these corals are nice looking and sought out by consumers wouldnt that make the price of said coral increase???
Just my 2 cents here, food for thought maybe???

Hypothetically speaking....
If you see a "LE" or "ultra rare" coral, of any type, and buy say a $195.00 pp frag believing truly it is a "LE" frag, whats the differance between you and any other person buying endangered species off the black market??

As in, say, Ivory???? Elephant tusk? Or maybe a snow lepord skin rug?

If these truly are extreemly rare corals that are ripped off the ocean floor where they will not have the chance to populate in the natural enviorment, then I guess they actually will remain rare or "LE".

If thats the case, you'll never be able to stop the mentality of pulling them from the ocean unless there is no consumer for them, right?

If this hobbie was actually monitored in some way, it would be amazing how many of these "rare" or "LE" corals would still be available at lower prices.

Then we would probably see more "corals" and less "Purple-dipped, speckled-spotted, Darth-jedi, Ice-cube, Ronald Regan, Willy-Wonka special edition LE one of a kind, I needed to make a few bucks so I named this" corals.

JMO....Food for thought.....
This has been argued time and time again, and frankly- it all comes down to the opinions and choices of the individual.

It's a hobby. Some of the remarks on this thread are less than appealing- grow up and move on... it's a fish forum! :spin2:
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Rare = something not often found, like a 1967 gt500 shelby, something that can re-produce isnt rare. i see Rare used on alot of store site's, *** 20 other site's have that same piece, not to include probably a 1000 fishstores around the country, before the hornets became so popular my lfs had most of them in his store and passed on colonies for $60 i wasnt impressed with them, but you add a led light or overly blue light and they pop if your face is right up to them. i don't bash the people for selling for crazy price's, but i dont respect them either, guess i am glad i have alot of good friends in the hobby who know their money comes from their 8-5 not from their fishtank. btw is this piece rare because i have never seen it before, well seen this type of coral once but never this color, maybe i need to name it and get a pic on zoaid so i can get rich


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Seems like where I live all zoas / palys are rare! I cant get my hands on too many locally. I have no choice but to have them shipped. And if I decide that I want UC I will have to pay whatever it costs to buy them from someone that has them, is willing to sell them, and will ship them to me.

No UC Locally, and I'm not paying over $50 PP ever!