vermetid snails


New member
I have these things on my live rock. Not a huge infestation, but enough that I researched how I might get rid of some of them. I mainly see them when I stir up the tank and see their webs every where. I saw a guy who uses a laser to "cook" them in their tube. Anyone with experience in doing this? What I can't tell from researching it is if you laser them through the aquarium glass or do you need to do it from an open top? Thanks for any tips.
Good luck on ridding them from the tank. There is whole thread on here in the “advanced” section. Many people have tried many things.

Had time to dig into this a bit deeper. Seems to really work, but is a bit more involved than what I want to get into doing being that I don't really have that many of them. Other methods of removal will work better for my current situation.
Had time to dig into this a bit deeper. Seems to really work, but is a bit more involved than what I want to get into doing being that I don't really have that many of them. Other methods of removal will work better for my current situation.
Inject with lemon juice this worked in my tank

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Ignoring them has always worked for me..
I have never had them reach problematic levels.. Just a few here and there.

If you have an excessive amount of them you likely have that because you have an excessive amount of nutrients/food source for them and no competition for that food..
I don't have a lot of them. Tank is 15 years old and I don't think I have as many now as I did the first year or two it was started. But I thought zapping the few I do have would be easy and perhaps even fun. But it would require removing my fish and there are other precautions to be taken due to the strength of the laser that needs to be used. I decided it was not worth the trouble. When one pops up that I don't really like, I'll just juice it. Thanks for all the replies!
I have the large ones and they are certainly a problem. Smashing them with needle-nose pliers has so far been the only way to kill them.
There are some snails that eat them, but those are rather unlikely to make it into the aquarium trade.
I have the large ones and they are certainly a problem. Smashing them with needle-nose pliers has so far been the only way to kill them.
That's exactly what I did when I had them in my last tank. Worked perfectly and got rid of them all.
That's exactly what I did when I had them in my last tank. Worked perfectly and got rid of them all.

The problem is to find them all and being able to reach them. And they reproduce like crazy. I have thousands of their babies in my tanks.