Vertex Alpha Cone 200 help


New member
Hi Jeremy/Others

My Skimmer is not skimming or making the small white air bubbles

its mostly water exept at the top which has few bubbles

its sitting at around 9 inch water.
could someone please tell me what could be the issue.

I cleaned the pump in vinegar, took it apart and make sure there is nothing sticking inside the pin wheel and shaft.

please see the attached file



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Thanks Jeremy

the issue is fixed now, you are right

there was star fish stuck inside the red cylinder device that you hold, where the air line tube is connected to.
I tried to put water through it and it didnt come out, so I took a screw driver and hit it and washed it and then I saw the star fish falling.

then I was able to put the skimmer back and it skimmed really good.

there was nothing wrong with pump or any of its the part, it the wedge pipes top red thingy

thanks so much Jeremy
