Does any one know how to do a reset on the illumina, i programmed some lightning and clouds and now regardless of the settings , i cant modify clouds or lightning. I tried reinstalling the software , tried the Vlink on different computers , i can still modify everything except the clouds and lightning.
Mine does this too. It's a known bug and will be corrected in the next release I am told.
The folks in Germany are finalizing the manual but it will be a little longer until it is translated and released.
I figured out how to add addition points in expert mode:
In the graph area, right click anywhere to the left or right of the last point and select "add point" from the context menu. I discovered that 20 is the maximum number of points that can be uploaded to the fixture.
Another nugget explaining the moon light features:
Moon OFF:
No moon light features
Moon Light:
Constant moon light, ambient light range applies
Lunar Cycle:
Full lunar cycle, changes daily according to synodic moon
Rising Lunar Cycle:
Trapezoid like intensity increase with start time, end time, rise time and falling time, according synodic moon
Triangular lunar cycle:
Start time, end time, changes with synodic moon cycle, has variants west first, or east first
Point Lunar Cycle: Same as Triangular Lunar Cycle, but other graph
. LED Pod Off
* LED Pod on