Waikiki Aquarium pics *dial-up warning*


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I was lucky enough to be working in Hawaii last week, and even more lucky to get a day off while there. First thing I did was hit the Waikik Aquarium. It was Memorial Day so I only had about 45 minutes before it was just too crowded to take pictures, regardless, it was a very enjoyable morning. Here's a few photos:
A massive clam in their biggest reef tank (it's got to be close to 3 feet long!):

Some very happy clownfish hosting in what looks like they may be green carpet anemones but I've never seen carpet anemones like these:

A wider shot of the main reef display:

This is a smaller reef tank, maybe 60 gallons or so:
Waikiki Aquarium Pics

Waikiki Aquarium Pics

Nice shots Greg. You're lucky indeed. You have a job that takes you to Hawaii over Memorial Day Weekend? I have a job that sends me to exotic locations like Baghdad, Kurkuk, and Bagram (LOL).

I was stationed in Hawaii for almost 5 years so it's not all bad. Unfortunately, my tour there was before my SW life. All of the snorkeling I did back then must have been a prelude of things to come eh?

Again, nice shots. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Very nice! We have the Shedd Aquarium here in Chicago but it isnt too close to an ocean ;)
Glad to see you made it, and had time to take a few pictures. Nice job! Did you have a chance to check out any LFS?
Thanks all. Josh- your pics are excellent and I was totally impressed :) Every bit as good as the ones I took.
Hey Nick- how about that green carpetty looking anemone with the four clowns? Know what that is?
Yup, thats a happy healthy S. gigantea.

Been awhile since I've seen the hairy hermits like that.

When i was a kid we lived in Hawaii, (parents were stationed at Hickam AFB), and I worked as a teenager at a LFS there named Coral Fish Hawaii. Those hairy hermits were really neat but agressive. Dont know if this one is the same size as the photo...but I've seen them that big before.

Great pics as always Greg.

Thanks Nick. Yeah- that was a really big hermit...
We passed by Hickam several times on our way to the north shore- beautiful country up there.
as usual, great shots Greg- thanx for sharing.
I agree that the green (and blue) anemone appears to be S. gigantea.
The main reef display at Waikiki is probably my personal all time favorite and I'm always excited to see up to date pix of it.