wanna see a real 10 reef tank?

Dude that's a 200 gallon tank!

At first it was wow...but, then I saw the adult hippo and then a couple of yellow tangs in there.

Definitely a WOW tank!!!

One day we'll be there...don't despair ;)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12286505#post12286505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
Dude that's a 200 gallon tank!

At first it was wow...but, then I saw the adult hippo and then a couple of yellow tangs in there.

Definitely a WOW tank!!!

One day we'll be there...don't despair ;)


:lol: My eyes played tricks on me for a moment too.:lol:
Well, now that I think about it is more like a 10 tank and not a 10 gallon tank :-)

In any case...it kicks &@@
yeah, and it's all t5's too, no zeovit, prodibo, just plain good old husbandry . That tank is so clean it unreal! look around the thread and check out the closeup shots of the corals! you can find the nominate for tank of the month! dude check out page 4 for top down shots!!
i love this shot ! 200 gallon tank!

Nice tank. I will have to work hard to get to that level.

I would like to see some setups like that on our next bus trip.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12289230#post12289230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefsahoy
i don't think we have any here even close to that in florida.

I know we have at least a few tanks that are just as nice if not nicer, I have seen a couple my self. the owners of this tank don't care much for showing off or RC and that is why you don't see them here.
There are 2 tanks here in Weston that are TOTM material, I am sure there must be plenty of other people in town that likes to be reserve as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12289394#post12289394 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
I know we have at least a few tanks that are just as nice if not nicer, I have seen a couple my self. the owners of this tank don't care much for showing off or RC and that is why you don't see them here.
There are 2 tanks here in Weston that are TOTM material, I am sure there must be plenty of other people in town that likes to be reserve as well.

hopefully they'll be nice enough to invite famas on the next tank hop so we can learn from them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12289230#post12289230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefsahoy
i don't think we have any here even close to that in florida.

LMAO Buddy unfortunately u have not seen nothing yet.
There's tons of tanks in our community that make those tanks( no disrespect to any of them tanks cause they are truly beautiful) look like the Miami River.
U have not seen them does not mean they don't exist there's plenty out there, they just don't get involved in our club or the RC community.;)
Its too bad that they do not get involved with the community, maybe not RC, but at least FMAS. People that are able to maintain tanks of such quality would really be able to help all of us out with wisdom and guidance.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12291531#post12291531 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Husky_1
Its too bad that they do not get involved with the community, maybe not RC, but at least FMAS. People that are able to maintain tanks of such quality would really be able to help all of us out with wisdom and guidance.

I agree.