Waste water after water change,

I dump mine in the front yard or down the driveway. The grass seems to love it. With the new 450gal tank it will be pumped into the back yard.
I have always dumped mine on my lawn. I have never had any problems with it killing the grass or causing brown spots. I usually only change 5g at a time.
Micobacterium marinum, IIRC. You can pick up the infection in many ways, but open sores is the easiest. Personally, I got it from scraping out coralline algae from my surge device and getting impaled by small vermetid snail shells - made nice, deep punctures on several of the knuckles on my right hand. Which became infected and developed the type of granuloma you commonly see with Micobacterium marinum infections.

Personally, I wouldn't be terribly worried about the bathtub, especially if the tub is cleaned regularly, but the possibility does exist.

Here's another discussion on it: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=599883

I can see why your G/F doesnt like you dumping it in the tub.
I'd kick some butt is someone did that to me.
Just dump it outside, it doesnt kill any plants,
you'd think it would keep the snails away but it doesnt.

just get a hose long enough to reach outside and an old maxie jet and your set, no more carrying heavy buckets.
Thanks Anemone!

I'm off to read that thread you linked.

Oh, and as for my $0.02 on where to dump water.. Toilet for me.... Bath tubs/showers are for washing empty tanks silly... :D

During the summer I often mix waste water with the crap from my skimmer and like others "feed" it to my lawn. The excess nitrates are great and the salt never seems to be an issue. :)