Water tests


New member
Do did water tests on my 80g fowlr today, everything is fine but pH is borderline. How can I safely increase pH if needed?

Salinity 1.024
Ph 7.9
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0.05ppm
Nitrate 10ppm

New aquarium

300l (80g) juwel rio

40kg sand

40kg live rock

Tmc v2 skim 500 compact hob skimmer

1000lph filter pump

Filter floss


2 x 2800 lph circulation pumps (fluval sea 3, hydor koralia 3200)

1 black sailfin blenny

1 purple firefish

1 one spot Foxface

2 percula clowns (pair)

1 kole tang

1 strawberry conch

5 nassarius snails

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pH is totally fine...leave it...any attempt to increase it is temporary...and will also drive up alk...
Just accept it like that... Its totally fine at that number and totally normal..
pH is totally fine...leave it...any attempt to increase it is temporary...and will also drive up alk...
Just accept it like that... Its totally fine at that number and totally normal..


DO NOT chase pH! You and your tank will lose.
Especially in a FOWLR, pH of 7.9 won't matter...at all.

As was mentioned above, baking soda will only temporarily affect (actually drops it) pH, and will increase alkalinity.
Thanks for the replies. Am going to trust my judgement and your advice.

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