Waterfall Turf Algea Filter: CHEAP and EASY to build

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12931276#post12931276 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SantaMonica
One disadvantage of this setup occured to me: If the timer or the pump ever failed, the turf would quickly die from drying out. The only way around this would be to not use a timer, and just use a constant flow from an overflow or such.

Anyway, we'll see what happens.

i didnt read what kind of timer you are using for your pumps and i never used this wavemaker timer...but it is adjustable to suit your needs and is made for the aquarium hobby.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12931276#post12931276 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SantaMonica ]JBJ wavemaker

yeah, costs are adding up, esp when i read about the cost of your turf algae shipped! :eek1:

i 'heard' that the hydor is a decent pump but not too familiar with it when used in 'pulse' situations. that is why i linked a timer for 'two' pumps. a second one running just in case one fails...and if both fail at the same time...when then that just sucks big time. maxi jet 1200's have worked for me on wavemakers for years.

are you thinking about putting a carlson surge on your scrubber for true filling and emptying?


looks really good so far!

Well, I don't know what to do. The skimmer (ER CSS 8) has stopped working entirely; looks like it's trying to skim freshwater... there are just no bubbles no matter how I adjust it (and it even has a new pump, and the mesh mod that allows me to lower the pipe six inches from what was required before.) I let it run all night, and absolutely nothing made it into the cup (and I fed a hefty dose of phyto and plankton last night too.) So, I unplugged it. I now have no filtration of any kind except the turf.

As for the timer, I'm using a JBJ Ocean Pulse Duo ($50). It does have one known quirk: If the power fails, it comes back on full-time (no intervals). At least this will save the turf, but you have to turn the dial on it to get it to start switching again. The timer was the only thing I "really" needed to buy; everything else was laying around or super cheap, and the pre-seeded screen is optional for a quick startup. And it does seem to have started up quickly (instantly). I suppose you could build one without the timer (and have full time flow) and see what happens. I might look into a Maxijet pump... I don't trust the Rio I got (is already chattering on startup). No I'm not doing any surging, but I'm doing about 60X right now with my return and 5 tunze nanostreams.

Here are a few more things I've thought of:

There is no smell while it is operating; only if you take the screen out and scrape it (as I was doing while trimming it) do you get a "at the beach" smell. But it's nothing like a skimmer cup. And it doesn't drip bad or gooey stuff... just water.

I've noticed about a .1 PH (maybe .2) increase. It's a bit hard to tell yet since the PH is highly dependent on the kalk drip rate. But I'm usually at about 8.1 and now it's 8.3.

Since the turf is (currently) in a bucket, how about hanging the bucket up higher than the tank, and draining into it? You'd get all the pods, but not take up space on top the tank.

One nice thing is that a turf provides a good overall system backup in case somthing goes wrong with the main pump. The turf (using it's own smaller pump) provides circulation, cooling, filtering, and even feeding, all by itself.

Speaking of backup, possibly two turf filters could be run, each one (as bergzy said) with it's own pump.

When it's time for harvesting, I got an idea of using a shaver. The kind they use at the hair salon that has ajustable or clip-on length attachments. This way I can mow it down to about 1/8 inch and not harm the roots. Also, being two-sided, you can harvest (trim) just one side at a time for better filtration balancing.

I was doing more reading of old posts (2004) and I found user Scot, who said: "The ATS unit is kind of small, I originally built it for my daughters 29 gal tank. I started testing it on this 100 gal tank when it was first set up with some raw rock. Still haven't taken it off. The screen is 5 1/2 x 12 inches, thats 66 square inches. It's scraped once a week. The light is a LOA 65w pc." His screen was half the size of mine, and only one-sides. He says he had no skimmer, but ran carbon, and was giving more sps frags to the lfs than they could sell. If his situation is as seems, then maybe my 12 X 12 screen will indeed work for me.

I'll starting taking measurements soon; last few weeks I've been about 2 nitrate and 0 phos.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12933372#post12933372 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paulsilver
Where is "The OC" Mr Ben?

I have seen these Carlson Surge devices in action, and they work wonderfully.

the OC is orange county california. i put it on there when the tv show was around and more popular...though i never saw even one episode.

i am also a pretty big fan of the carlson surge. 'when' i do redo my 180g upgrade to a 400g...i will incorporate a carlson surge.

i am really not wanting to take apart in any way my 180g as it is sooooo stable right now. plus, i have no idea if the edge of my foundation (where the tank will be) is strong enough to support a 400g glass tank full of water, rock and steel stand.

where did you see the carlson in action. i first saw one on the display tanks in the waikiki aquarium. even got a personal behind the scene tour by delbeek himself. super nice guy btw!!!:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12933846#post12933846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SantaMonica
Well, I don't know what to do. The skimmer (ER CSS 8) has stopped working entirely; looks like it's trying to skim freshwater... there are just no bubbles no matter how I adjust it (and it even has a new pump, and the mesh mod that allows me to lower the pipe six inches from what was required before.) I let it run all night, and absolutely nothing made it into the cup (and I fed a hefty dose of phyto and plankton last night too.) So, I unplugged it. I now have no filtration of any kind except the turf.

Skimmers are very picky about water. Something you added is hindering foam production. Most of the time, when you add anything to the tank it either kills the foam or causes the skimmer to overflow. It always works itself out after it is in the tank for awhile. I would turn the skimmer back on and be patient. It will come back.
biomekanic: Glad you like the concept. Your interest in plants could really help out here.

sjm817: Well it might be the plastic bucket, or the screen material. Probably not the clear pvc tubes; probably not the pump. I've used this skimmer for two years and it never went "flat" like this. It might drop for a bit if the overflow is splashing near the pump intake, but there would still be foam. It's going on 24 hours now of no foam.

herring: I did test it today: 0 phos, and about 3 nitrate (been like this for several weeks), no change.

So I tested the skimmer again, starting with the tube down low where it has worked well for the last year: Nothing, zero foam. I upped the tube to the highest point it would go without disconnecting, and still nothing (the water is just short of going into the cup, but there is zero foam.) So I put the tube back down to its normal spot, and dipped a new filter sock in the sump for about five seconds, and immediately the foam began and the column started rising quickly. It shot to the top and pushed the lid up about a half inch. After a half hour or so, all the sock residues had been removed and the foam was back down to zero. So I unplugged it again.

There have been some changes in the pre-seeded screen in the last 24 hours since it arrived, I think because IA probably dumped their water down onto the screen, whereas I'm sliding the water across the screen. Thus over the past day there are a few spots where the turf has slid off the screen; mostly up near the spraybar where the flow was coming out the fastest. Also my lights are surely different than theirs. And the shipping... even with priority overnight, and a few hours in my sink (with chlorinated tap water running over it)... i'm sure there is some die off.

So to end the night, I fed two pumps of plankton (normally I do just one), and a full pump of phyto (normally just two drops, if any at all). Normally this much food would have algae on my glass the next day. We'll see.
thats normal if your running your ats properly (sizing of ats and harvesting), i sold my skimmer on ebay. dam nice not having to matain a skimmer, ats is much easer.
Thankyou for your pm inviting me to the thread. I occasionaly receive invitations to participate in threads and I am always interested .
I like the idea of an ats and have for some time.Cost ,surge, lighting etc. have led me in favor of refugia with caluerpa and gracilaria , a couple of live rock based cryptic and twilight zones,dsb and a good but slighly undersized skimmer. I am looking forward to learning a bit more about this technique and your design and may try it.
Well I've now gone through 48 hours with the turf, and about the same time with no skimmer. I originally had some carbon and polyfilters in, but took them out along with turning the skimmer off. Tonight the phos tested 0, and the nitrate about 3, same as the last several weeks. However, I QUADRUPLED the feeding: Twice as much plankton and phyto along with the fish, and, doing it twice a day instead of one, which I've never done before. No additional algae has formed on the glass; I'm just started to get it today (was last cleaned three days ago), about what I'd expect pre-turf.

PH seems to have settled in at .2 above normal. I shut off kalk for a full day and it settled in at 8.15, whereas it would normally be 7.95 without kalk.

The turf screen seems to have cleared a few more spots, at least that's what I'm perceiving. However when I went back and looked at the pics above, it looks the same. I'll wait a week and take another series of pics.

One of my four clams jumped off the rock he'd been sitting on for months; they normally jump off when they aren't happy. Maybe the turf has taken the clam's N and P, and made him mad.

jjr1964: If it's normal for a skimmer to stop working when turf is used properly, why have a lot of folks in the past been able to keep using their skimmers. I'm keeping my skimmer in the sump (unplugged) for now, but usage of it is not an option.

tmz: You say that cost, surge and lighting kept you away from turf in the past. Cost of course, starting at $3,000 for a commercial unit (if you can find one). But did the surge or the lighting pose a problem for your tank? Or were you saying that building one with surge and lighting would be a problem. I'm happy that, besides the timer and pre-seeded screen, this turf in a bucket system is (kinda like a DSB in a bucket) basically free. I think most people have the materials. I wish I knew if not having a timer would be a problem; I'd be scared to turn my timer off and chance the turf dying.

Why doesn't someone show me that I'm not going skimmer crazy, and build a "freebie" turf in a bucket with no timer and no seeded screen, hook it up and see what happens over the next four weeks? If it will help, here's what I used:

o 5 gal bucket

o 700 gph pump (might be okay to use down to 400)

o 1.25 inch pvc for spraybar; mine was a narrow-walled one meant for a sink drain. A 1/8 inch slit longways for the screen to go into.

o Tank divider rails, to hold the screen straight, from the Penn Plax 29-55 gal size. Could
also use 1/2 inch stiff tubing split down the length. If you use stiff screen (stiffer
than the Penn Plax), it will stand up by itself without rails.

o 3/4 inch clear vinyl tubing, from pump to bucket, and from bucket drain back to tank.

o Bulkhead for the 3/4 inch drain in bottom of bucket.

o Packaging tape to seal one end of the spraybar closed, and to attach the other end of the
spraybar to the 3/4 tubing, and to position the spraybar on top of the bucket in the
middle so it won't slide off.

o Two clip-on lamp holders; bulbs are CFL 23W (125W equivalent light output; 5100K)

And for those willing to buy a timer and seeded screen ($150 total)...

o Call Mike at Inland Aquatics 812-232-9000, and get turf "sized to a 5 gal bucket" overnighted to you. Already have your bucket operating, though.

o The JBJ Ocean Pulse Duo timer. Any wavemaker timer will do, though.

Maybe I should change the name of this thread to "turf in a bucket" :)
Thanks for the breakdown. I may add one at some point. I'll keep tagging along.
Why is the skimmer off? When you add a bunch of new plastic and other things, it can easily kill a skimmer. It may take several days or longer to start working again. IME, polyfilters will cause a skimmer to overfoam unless rinsed real well. You took that out, and also the carbon. You are changing a lot of things at the same time, so be careful. If you intend to use the skimmer in this setup, you need to let it run for awhile. You have changed the water chemistry and it may take some time for things to settle down.
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What you already have is better but I thought that someone else might want to use is if they can do what you are doing.

sjm817: Ah I forgot about that... skimmers do that. So I plugged it back in this afternoon , and sure enough it had some foam; got about a inch of medium skimmate in seven hours, at a tube setting a bit higher than normal. So it's not skimming as strong as normal but it is way better than what it was. However, a point made by someone a few post ago had some merit: Turn off all filtering so the turf can do what it was (already) grown to do. After all, IA uses only turf on their commercial tanks, so I'm sure the turf is used to heavy nutrients. I'd hate to starve it. I have mostly corals, and few fish, so the skimmer takes out what I need to keep in.

herring: Not sure how that wet/dry would work with my setup. If the screen were vertical inside it, it looks like most of the water would be sprayed straight to the bottom, missing the screen. But maybe you had a different setup in mind.

Anyways, the glass finally needs cleaning, right on pre-turf schedule. But then again I'm feeding at least twice as much, and twice as often now. I just cleaned the skimmer, so I'm going to leave it off again, in the spirit of not starving the turf. I know the turf and the skimmer go after different nutrients, but I think there is indeed some crossover. For example on the Aday site he talks about how turf absorbs organics and ammonia. Now that's news to me. I thought organics were for the skimmer, and ammonia was for the rocks. Nevertheless, most of the reading I did found that turf users were harvesting about once a week. I have not seen any growth yet, yet the N and P seemed fine while the skimmer was off. So I'm going to try to give the turf what it wants.
Skimmer, algae, carbon will all pull out organics. Keeping the skimmer off will help kick start the algae growth.
I personally have seen skimmers stop foaming for several days when new hardware is added... I agree that this is a generally temporary thing, and that the skimmer will begin again in a few days...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12951229#post12951229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paulsilver
I personally have seen skimmers stop foaming for several days when new hardware is added... I agree that this is a generally temporary thing, and that the skimmer will begin again in a few days...

I agree. I just added a couple TLF reactors and my skimmer stopped for a couple days. Back to normal now though.
Spray Bars

Spray Bars

Like I said, what you have is better than a spray bar but not everyone will be able to have the same sized or shaped envelope for their equipment to fit into. I am very happy with my dump bucket but it does have a weird shape.

My original thought was to have sprays bar that perhaps turned more slowly than what I have pictured. I have never used either of those products so I really don’t know anything about how well they operate. I only posted the pictures above to spark ideas.

I just thought that if you didn’t have access to a surge, then “Plan B” could be as follows: If something like one of those units were install on either side of the screen, oriented sideways, the water streams would not be going to the same spots and therefore it would be less likely to allow matting or deal spots.

Water could be directed at the screen and applied in a moving circular pattern to offer at least a little variation to the water flow. This variation would hopefully cause the strands of algae to be blown in one direction and then in another direction, separating them from one another as the stream moves along.

Of course there would be down sides to this idea including a requirement to clean the unit about once a month to keep it turning smoothly, knocking algae off of the screen if it were too strong and others problems but it might be better than nothing if you can’t have surge.
Just be aware that many of those rotating spray bars will not work in anything but a perfect horizontal position... they stop turning. In fact I have not seen any that would work in a vertical position, as would be required to have them spray on the vertical screen...

The other item looks more like a fitting that goes on the outflow end of a powerhead, and if it does, then I have used them. They turn from the water pressure as it exists the pump... they do jam sometimes, especially if coated up in algae. But they work well, when they work...

Just wanted to point some of that out.