Wazzel's mostly SPS 60 Cube

Looking forward to closing down this thread, and for the best news I have heard, the 120 is HERE!!!
So cool, I am really looking forward to seeing the transition :)

I am excited. Last night I cleaned out my 8 ft frag tank so I can bring it in tonight. I do not have a big storage tank so it will be used to store the water I started making last night. I also took all the boxes and what not I was storing in the 120 out so I could clean it out and slide it over tonight. I only have a few plumbing connection to make to be totally done.
You cant just make cryptic posts like that and not:

A...post pictures
B...hotlink to the new thread

It's, like, the rules or something, man!
My intention to take the tank down has not been a secret. This weekend was a good one to take care of things.
Oh I know...I was just teasing. ;)

How did the tank swap/upgrade go?
Other than not having enough water, better than expected. All the critical stuff went fine. I still have to mount most of my corals and clean up the 60 so I can sell it. Here is a quick WIP shot.

i did exactly that to my new tank. It went thru a cycle and hurt a few corals. Took a while to recover. And still not there. You need to dose bacteria.
60 to 120? Mine was 90 t0 120 and used all the water from the old tank.
I've never heard of that before, all the necessary bacteria and other items would be on the rock...maybe some good things in the water....but the rocks is the major factor. No livestock should be stressed if exposed to the same water and rocks...unless the new tank was contaminated somehow, only thing is just a temp adjust while they are being moved back and forth. no real acclimation should be required...looking forward to the upcoming pics
I've never heard of that before, all the necessary bacteria and other items would be on the rock...maybe some good things in the water....but the rocks is the major factor. No livestock should be stressed if exposed to the same water and rocks...unless the new tank was contaminated somehow, only thing is just a temp adjust while they are being moved back and forth. no real acclimation should be required...looking forward to the upcoming pics

You do loose the bacteria that is on the surfaces of the tank, sump and plumbing. It is not just the rock that support the bacteria. There is a net loss of bacteria vs bio load when transferring like I did. Hope fully all the new water I added will buffer the nutrients. I am not going to add anything for a while.
How did all that stuff fit in a 60?

It won't take long for everything to fill out and you'll be out of space again. :D

Edit: OK, that's weird. I quoted a pick of the new tank and the old one shows up.

That is ok. I wonder that too. I had a hard time getting every thing in the 120 with spacing I liked.