Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14729265#post14729265 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EnzoRocks
Let me clarify...what maintenance do you do in addition to the 4 gal water changes weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc? What supplements do you add?
Here is my maintenance:
3-4 gallon water changes every week
Blow off the rocks when I do water cganges
Clean the skimmer cup every week
Take out some chaeto when the chamber gets full
Feed the fish every other day or so
Add 18 ml of cal and alk everyday
Clean the glass everyday

That's about it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14729597#post14729597 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blev
First off, great reef! I love it. Quick question: What bulb came with your nano? I read this is included in the kit, "150 watt 14000°K HQI metal halide lighting" but you seem to have purchased a new bulb. Could you explain to this newb?

Also, since the search function on this site lacks, ummm, everthing! What is this "chaeto" light that you made for the back? Do you know a good thread on it? Or could you explain it to me? Again, I'd be happy to search... If I could!

Moving on. Where can I find the "legs" for the light? You mentioned you got them from an LFS...

Lastly, I imagine with your setup, any tank maintenance usually means taking the whole lighting unit off rather then using the included hinges. Is this true?

Thank you and again, awesome tank!

Thanks! The tank came with a 150 watt 14000°K HQI metal halide lighting. I changed the bulb because it was too yellow for my taste. Its just personal preference really. The only reason I changed the bulb is because I didn't like the yellowish look.

I just those regular spiral energy saving bulbs for my chaeto.
Here is a link.

I got them from a LFS. I'm sure if you google a bit you'll find em. I think hello lights and marine depot sells them, but I'm not 100% sure.

With the legs I installed, I can fit my hand through the opening without raising or taking the hood off.

Thanks! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14730072#post14730072 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Blev
Well, I answered all but one of my questions by simply finished up your thread (I stopped around page 5 and posted the above questions which were all answered in the rest of the thread).

So my only question left is: I imagine with your setup, any tank maintenance usually means taking the whole lighting unit off rather then using the included hinges. Is this true?

With the legs I installed, I can fit my hand through the opening without raising or taking the hood off.
Haven't updated this thread in a while, sooo, here is a picture of a spawning pair of clownfish hosting in the torch coral. :D
(sorry about the crappy quality)
Very nice nano,makes me want to get one.sadly,in Lithuania reef industry is just dead.4-5 shops in whole country... imagine the price of everything :)
Here are a few pictures.
Neon Goby chillen on Red cap.

Yellow Candy Hogfish.


Yellow Candy Hogfish with Flame Angelfish in back ground.

Yellow Candy Hogfish with Fire fish in back ground.


Yellow Watchman Goby

Orange Zoas.

Blue/Brown Crocea Clam

Derasa Clam
Here are a few Before and After pictures of my Gorgonian.
Taken on 03-22-2010

Taken on 04-02-2010

Taken on 04-13-2010
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