Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

if i had a 7 gallon bucket i would do that lol but all i have is a 5 from my old instant ocean salt bucket, so i just use that
I got 2 large Cleaner Shrimp today! :D Here are a few pictures.

My tank crashed this morning. Woke up at 8 am and looked at the tank and everything was dieing! I think most of the fish are dead, corals are not doing good at all. Did a 50% water change and more water is mixing right now. Now its 11:20am and everything is starting to get better once I did the water change an hour ago. That's good I had another tank running(8 gallon biocube) I put all my favorite stuff in there and that stuff is alive. The only things that were alive and well and weren't affected by the tank crashing were the leathers, all the gorgonians, and all the shrimp. I have no idea why the tank crashed, yesterday the tank looked amazing, the best its even been. Everything was open, happy, and doing very well. The only think I did on Saturday was clean the back chamber of all the fish poo, did a big water change(like 10-13 gallons or so), and changed out my GFO like I have done every month for several months. Threw away the 40 grams of old GFO and added 25 grams of new GFO. Can't think of anything that would do this unless the power went out on the tank for some reason.... Right now, I'm looking into making an automated water change system and hook it up to a controller and a battery back up system for the powerheads. So, if the params go out of whack the automated water change system turns on or if the power goes out, the powerheads will turn on.
check all params to see if something was out of whack that you were unaware of.... you can find out if the power went out. lastly, I have heard that leathers can release toxins that kill other live stock. im really sorry about your loss! Your'e tank looked amazing.
check all params to see if something was out of whack that you were unaware of.... you can find out if the power went out. lastly, I have heard that leathers can release toxins that kill other live stock. im really sorry about your loss! Your'e tank looked amazing.

I did a bunch of water changes, also, the parameters are all out of whack because a ton of things died.
Ok, here is a list of the dead things so far:
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
1 Neon Goby
1 baby Bluehead Wrasses(he was like an inch long, got him cuz he was a freebie that was thrown in)
Spawning Pair of True/False Percula Clownfish(Male was True, Female was a False)

2 some kind of rainbow Acos
Ponape Birdsnest
Little Neck Clam(had it for a long time)
Elkhorn coral (Montipora hirsuta)

Things that are trying to survive, but most likely won't make it:
Setosa Montipora
Surf N Turf
ORA Green BirdsNest
Some kind of Green SPS, don't know its name, but it looked kick ***
Large Derasa clam
This is a damn shame. Your tank looked really good. Hopefully you will discover what caused this so it can never happen again.
Good luck with the recovery of the tank.


I know this sucks, but you can also look at this way; now's the time to make any improvements, upgrades, or change in stocking. While this may be the end for many animals (and I, like everyone, hate to loose them), this could be an amazing beginning for a new evironment for others. Keep on keepin' on!

It sure was gorgeous!
This is a damn shame. Your tank looked really good. Hopefully you will discover what caused this so it can never happen again.
Good luck with the recovery of the tank.




I know this sucks, but you can also look at this way; now's the time to make any improvements, upgrades, or change in stocking. While this may be the end for many animals (and I, like everyone, hate to loose them), this could be an amazing beginning for a new evironment for others. Keep on keepin' on!

It sure was gorgeous!

I guess your right. But I loved the way it was. :(
